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receipt for the gun is included. It was lot 870 (price realized $6,100) and was described as “carried by Texas Ranger Frank Hammer in the early days of his law enforcement career.” Confirmation of Hamer’s ownership is provided in a February 9, 1981 affidavit from Hammer’s son, Frank Jr. Frank Hammer, Jr. wrote, “Over a period in the past several years I have sold to my friend, Raymond Brown, a few guns and other personal items which belonged to my father, Captain Ranger Frank Hamer. The items that were sold include such guns as ‘Old Lucky’, the Colt 45 pistol which is well known and Texas Ranger badges including the gold shield Captains badge, etc. In addition to this I have given Raymond a considerable number of items which I believe will enhance the collection that he has of my father’s guns. To my personal knowledge, Raymond had the major part
of my father’s collection. Today, I am adding three
(3) more guns as a fit to this collection.”The first of these three gun listed by serial number in the letter is this SAA with the caliber incorrectly described as .45 caliber. Frank Jr. provided some background on the gun: “This pistol has been modified to fire rapidly
wears a set of pearl grips with a fantastic relief carved steer head on the right panel.
The Texas Rangers occupy a special position of respect within law enforcement circles throughout the U.S. and the world and are known by the general population as having historically stood for law and order and bravery. The fact that the revolver was carried by Hamer and later resided in a famed private collection gives it an additional level of unmatched historic provenance. Frank Hamer is arguable the most famous Texas Ranger of the first half of the 20th century. In 1905, Hamer had is first experience in capturing a “bad guy.” Working as a cowboy on
the Carr Ranch, Hamer assisted local authorities in the capture of a horse thief. The local sheriff was impressed with Hamer’s skills and recommended him to the Texas Rangers. He joined the Rangers in 1906, served under Captain J.H. Roger’s Company C. patrolling the U.S./Mexico border, and resigned in 1908 to take the position of City Marshal
of Navasota, Texas.
 Love for that history and heritage courses strong
in his veins and quickens
his pulse as he collects fine historical items from earlier times of Texas heroes and
other famous personages of the west. This ever present
emotion is vividly expressed in Raymond’s select collection of rare,
unique and historically important pieces.” Brown’s collection was filled with pieces owned by legendary Texas Ranger Frank Hamer (1884-1955), who is best remembered for leading the posse that tracked down and killed notorious public enemy number one era outlaw couple Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow in 1934. Brown’s collection included “Old Lucky, a .45 caliber SAA no. 314012 that Hamer carried on the day Bonnie and Clyde were killed.
Brown’s collection also included this SAA no. 153189, and it too sold at the 1986 auction. The auction
by fanning. This
action is called slip
hammer and was
used by many of
the old gunfighters
for rapid fire. This
gun was used by my father around
1903 to 1911 during his service in the
Big Ben country with the Texas Rangers.
He tried and discarded this method of shooting
even though he found it to be successful but not
as accurate. His theory being- Make the first shot
the only one needed. He finally wore this gun out
by use. On this particular weapon, the well-worn black factory grips are broken. I remember my
father relating how this happened. One night in a street fight across from the Del Norte Hotel when there were only two participants left standing both with empty pistols. My father being one and a large Mexican national from across the border with quite a reputation for being rough and tumble and my father weighing 230lb. decided to settle this matter hand to hand when a Mexican knife flashed in the night. My father ended the fight with the butt of this pistol on the Mexican national’s head.” The hard rubber grips mentioned in the letter are included and were the grips worn on the gun when it sold in 1986. This set of checkered Colt hard rubber grips are well worn and two sizeable chips are absent from the right panel. The grips are unnumbered. The revolver currently

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