Page 13 - 4091Mailer
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( W F ' L...Vj.,.. I V ' I ,1.?o Q ; V —— ‘ d3 ,¢a%‘
 \ Excellent and Desirable World War II U.S. I __ __ V ‘ ‘ V :—»;—;;V  _  , _
_' E l : Springfield’M’1C Garand Semi—Automatic Sniper Rifle Extremely Rafe, Fi1'St _ I  2V,   '~ ‘Ti ,V V‘.-\  I I I _‘&"3§»~‘M 
with M82 Scope, Matching Numbered Bracket and CMP Shipping Box U-5- A1'II1Y C0I1t1'aCt,  ‘—'~'V'\ /, V  '1 ‘if   3*  l j I ‘
- . U.S. Colt Model 1900 ‘IRS —'.75,1-  I .0 xi is    I
_:v——-*j———___. ., ""»""‘J'-  « - » - -'>-  _ 2,  ' . .3 .>e:', 3 “ \~l\ : 2
‘ V! I 1. a V __V /, .V “. \»_; Sight Safety Semi— //\  ‘f / ,, ,_-_;; \..,-x it ,i‘V;=\1l0 i
,Vrrg\J 7 VV ~‘  V1 :~<-i , , ;*“E¢_-/ié,u‘F‘,.3‘?‘;'.'~‘;fi; (fl, \‘ Automatic Pistol with l   a V .491‘, Mgfv" I l E; T _ ' 
‘E5 Z.’ - Kr‘ /ii A   2}’ 1 Holster and Factory Letter  '  ‘I  “'I._9g;L*“ ' l l’  35 l
—— .,-/ —e ,5 tfi“===‘““..a-—-——m~T=----—-’“"   ~  ‘  t i-, I
 .3» _  . , ,  w , e , -7A -,
 V" Outstanding World War II U.S. Stevens V I 4  "   ‘
A “ VV V  Model 520-30 Slide Action Trench Shotgun V 1 V ii “‘ p  
 " J  % _, _ _ __ V \ —" --;{ "=3: _ ,
' L32; ", / ,_ .  - A’— "a‘.’a'§A?~;i?A‘?L’?&".7A',’.£’.‘%a‘.$n- . — W ~.——3L— /- ~ " \‘ :1 _ "i
\  "fir: V «V -V V V. V — ——— 4'»  , WV
 I“ ‘H “l V _ t ,1 :  World War II U.S Iohnson outstanding, Rare and ‘C: :';V»V
X / V (‘V I  ¥&iV5),_VV    Model 1941 Semi—Automatic Unserialized Singer  _
2 «Q ' :».§li*1§&¥:1:t3i#73I1" *2 ‘*5 5*“ "  A . Rifle with Bayonet Scabbard and Sling Manufacturing Co, Pf()[()tyPe/
T...’ _ w _ 7 4 7V_  Presentation Model 1911A1 ‘:i.V
V ,/‘M ~-~— ‘ VVV  _ _ _ -7:
I I  ‘rt ‘ Rare Excellent Smith& 015 e ’ n_ 6- He lms /,/—. (9
 g  \1/‘Vesson Marl< I1SeiVI;li— VA 7 if
V/ ‘* . utomatic Lig tRi e V  __V,  V _m,V___,,_,, , 
V A V _JVV   l I l '_:=.z.n.VV_  VVV i a
gig‘?  _fl.¢._«...._-..-.1.~.i _ .    e 
V 1 ,/ . o “ofi '0" f _ A A   . -
7' I‘ »2 -.-/_--r ' 9 " "  E 11 ‘ ‘ )  
I, , , '. 1' . . . a t H t   ;;‘:i:‘.e;:'.n;_
or‘. V V /V V RV V  , 1', » . -  1 l Rare Vickers—ArmstrongV “focfldefi/Ivar  érrllcion }_  
 V ‘ ‘- ‘ Pedersen 5"1f'L°"‘d“‘g Rlfle Switch & Signal Model 1911A1 ‘ 
1 V V _  _ W V Semi—Automatic Pistol Issued to V  
I—’:—T} ‘ ‘ B-17 Co— @a1,Arthur C. “Bud” Stipe \ ¢‘y?§%=.i3é‘aili13:i ,
.  =1 ‘A vi .- . 0 . . ...- of T‘‘',39i . - W D I “ » ~:2ss:=;:«i=>=~.=.._-;.¢‘>, .
,///i " , ,_v, _'1 ,,,,,l‘.""‘T'm,    11 I l>* ;'y '2 _ Me Legendary Bloody Hundredth \ . 
1 Au»: _ ,1 ,  r— ‘ :::~,‘::‘.‘..-v.V.'ri__-A
 lg 1 — . I 100th Bombardment Group v
One of the Finest Known, U.S. Army Documented World War I Extremely Z. ‘IV E V  . , ..
‘ - Winchester Model 1897 Trench Shotgun with M1917 Bayonet Ra1.e.U3_ Trials Colt 551; ' ‘.V\\V 4    VV   .   VVV  _
D*§ 1 .1 “  A - - SK " ‘  — . —
—VV  Double Action Semi— «;3V V‘ «.; 7. a (= ‘V V_ =
V  "'«=fi Automatic .45 ACP Pistol V ,_, pf \  V
f/‘“"  -, ( -’ _ with Factory Letter ‘ _ 
. :7 V,,V ‘ Exceptional World War II U.S. M VV 7 V V V V V 
 Inland M1A1 Semi—Automatic 1?“ ., . ,_ Exce tionan Rare Colt V 
 _ Paratrooper Carbine ‘ P Y "$3;-‘,Vt;{g5’~%‘$‘
  V A . AUTOMA‘ ,. 1 Model 1907 U.S. Army Test §V:,vV;V:V\t 
/V//"l x__ »  V TIC VCOL / _‘ ;_V V Trials Semi—Automatic Pistol tV{;'v.‘V$? 
 _ "‘ t l T  l .  ,.  l ' with Cartridge and NRA ‘té l ,.j;.§.{ ‘
,1   v *_ V ~t.'.:;e7-1 _  '6 i¢~.»»Vg _
Vfl _ ..~. ’,V  V » V ii 9 6 ‘ l Silver Medal , " V_ 
1- L4 1, _ ‘i * ’§  ‘H V ,, s “ 3  " r
fl’? .': C   25” l  , g ' -  ""'W. 5”‘ .  I \ /
 7. _. ‘.- . L V; ‘~''.i':‘‘‘~ ‘ /I i ‘  ,   , ,   59,‘ I
1*-‘ :  :Z*~‘i. : “ml  ’ 3‘ ‘ ‘ ’ *
 , . »  to I v V  _  « %g. V . ,_.~e'r::u.  .. M A
g ti v ;.  _ ‘ . VV . V.) V  V  /_ _../ \V ” V VV<“«‘¢\\1:‘VV,,.‘:,
?:' ‘ ‘  1 A ‘°r*‘ ‘ I N  ,  e - , * 1 HM. ‘tvivr. M
 ,  ——  l  w W."  t  ~. l . \ —. - ‘T i i 
  ; ~ it   .    I ‘J <0   
 i  C T ‘ I . V ‘   V  »— —— ,   r at/MW _KV__ ., " Exceptional Documented  ‘XV
’/{it ~ " ~ i 4"  1V \ ,, 1\ ‘_2__ ~ __ Sensationad Near New Colt ‘V  
Historic Documented I  .L  Military Model 1905 .45 l‘ 
and Identified World War 7 I "3 V1’ '" 1 ' , . , V . , , _, ‘ .. » .V.- , Automatic Semi—Automatic  X  V
11 USA AF 8th Air Force ~ I cumented P-51 ng _ 4;   , , ~_  ~_ ; 1 Kg ,2 Pistol with Factorfietter  ‘\  ‘~j}‘?,tT«‘s‘»\“  1%
Veteran’s “Hell’s Angels” 'ghter Aee lSt Lie ant d_ 1 d _ 1 d 1 _ I I '  '2
Painted Leather A-2 Iacket William H- Alleiis B-15A Flight Outftan mg.Ear Y Pro _uCt_1On CC? t M0 e _1902 fl’  T '" T V V ‘ ‘¢
.. Jacket and Visor Cap SP°m"g S"m"A“t°m"‘”° Plstol Wlth Rm Plcmre I l :3:::.::;J:;%?.:1;:,';:.;:ms: {:2/l(lYl’V(:l’ll)lIEl“lI’l'.r‘;' 5 ll. » ‘*3 1
 ~ A,‘  I V Box and Colt Factory Letter ’ ‘E   -9 
_V  L; ) -*3-—-‘V~V“—_-an To ’ ' \ A.  ‘V  gr‘ ‘:‘?f::; 4‘
-  1 z‘ ‘* ~ ‘ A E ‘H ‘ ' 4 J9‘  O ‘ —# '0 ~— - s * 3 311:. W».
’  “ 3   l"«    'l x‘-  V‘  1* O“‘“"‘“d‘“g  4/‘ @ :35lit53.3$‘s;.e1’_1l%:%“..
 V V;  " V  =V|1I“ . lz 1V1 Hi ’i   -v   Ultra Rare Original  Documented World War ” 
 , , I V  V, W V, —- VJ_;lV:HH :1.   VV “' ww1E1-a 1918  IU.S. Marine Corps Contract Colt _.
Ti" " f 5‘/V-V  T °‘ /1 I I V, g‘  f’;  Mal-k1,“T001R00m  Model 1911 Semi—Automatic Pistol ~ 
 V V  1V’ V":  V W . .. I I Hi!" Sample” Remington— V5: *7’ — I»  V
;‘-=  ‘lg, "  U’ A ‘W’ “.7 i—-, i V .3:  /;, Pederson Device  V “"“""'—"*“"“’_'i,T.f_;...,..w, "”f'}}" 1“ ‘W \/3’ 
1 ‘ Y , , Q I q ., , {[3 mt >7 mm.u.i "Aih'W.'.'Al,IMm. it 1  VV'4{-‘:L.' tgy
no  I in ill‘ '1    . I  . l lfi }i!*";‘7  for the Model 1903 I l \ ~~~~~ J 4'2“ «xi. 1 > I   » '1
' . i‘ V V i_ ,/';/"(ff/V/ 9:’ " V V: ~, , git‘. V V_ V. 3 . . Vt» , V »«_.,.__i. .  «V7  V_\ V "
 *—~'//4:<"?’ 0   '1   “I? ~ :7‘   Spmgfield Rlfle  *‘ W.:.‘z§«“l' *:= \ §;:e:£  "‘ t
- ”,,  , » » , ,«-‘~~“vr"-”’  -, ‘ ~ » ‘r  ,  < 1. . ,  X :\/ NV!‘   ~;‘,‘r, ~‘
   ‘ .  " ‘ ~ *' ’ V  , ' " ‘i   V Rare North American ‘.V J   ‘
V ’  ;; _tV_ ‘ ._.V V~—.. . __ ‘V  375;  V . V  \  » Arms Co. Model 1911  l‘ 
  1 ii ' ' - . ‘ _ —— , 9 ’ ,/ I‘  Presentation Semi— ” 
T j V_V V" V‘  ._  \V_Vl, Automatic Pistol V 
 ' 5;’ > 1 l‘ Rare Spanish—American War Era Colt U.S. Model 1 ‘ ‘V1’ 1..  
-,i A “ - . . . . v; i _ _ ‘ V :1-V7_;:e',‘_,  _V
.V V I .  4 1895 Gatling Gun with Iron Carriage and Caisson  V -V. s.V   V
‘Vi .‘  l‘ if “it ,‘\llll§’f}:7L ‘V
'~ V  , VV\_ .. ' " ' "

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