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t,,.V.VV»* _e  e~ THE LEGENDARY
‘Vt . "Ti,‘— -J A '
Wt T.‘ V‘ ' Exceptional and Well- _ C  
  Documented Wilbur Glahn  ‘ 7-; e;le——\\‘ e '7 5+ 7 —‘___e,,.: A__...‘ 
 I * I ‘ Factory Master Grade C Engraved a-9 '" T  ””"“'"'”";:"l’?*T3“’rl- __ __ A _ |:TV 
rr‘ » A*fi‘?*‘£‘ll ‘té I
\) :7 Colt First Generation Single ‘ ~ V, *“  ' ‘  j
I — ’ ‘ " ,1,   Action Army Revolver with Raised ‘~.\_ ( I "  —.g ,
/ V e e V 2 Relief Carved Steer Head Grip Cuno Helfricht Deluxe Factory Engraved I  
K e v Q. It The Brig & Low-Se Pemberton “Masterpiece" Colt First Generation ~——  
‘ \ e’ e  Collection Single Action Army Revolver with Pearl I t\~_,__e 4’
Grips and Factory Letter  J '
. ‘k V ,
T4" T  \L_, 
l  ‘C ‘ E”: V
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.  LL. — — ~ — —— A ‘ « ~—V 1'“ ,‘ t
 7 ( I 1 ~  '' ' Exce tional1891 Production, Rinaldo v,T,__' _AJ A “ S . A
‘T V > t---—é-—m_.-$4, _ T p  ' "_ ~'“?/F" ‘.5 .3 x 
lll\l\\  t W T S‘ ‘IJH “ ‘ v ' A. Carr Sub-Inspected U.S. Colt Single  “*5; T;i:‘°x
. ' T . T. - I ‘:Ti<..«:~“~“: ‘TV
.» V   Hieterie Deeumented Action Army Cavalry Model Revolver (  — " ~.  
J }  k - t e_ Fort Worth. Texas. Shipped \._ V 2 // 
/ e,;{«“‘''’'’' 3 .»  , V ”” Factory Engraved Colt First I V V —V— VV , - V,.___ e V t _ l 5.  

" T Generation Single Action - “ "  
‘I, e ' "   Army Revolver with Steer Head ‘Le: , A A   \
 , ' ,= t Carved Pearl Grip and Presentation _ _ _ ~— '1 e ° ' ‘r A  '
 ' Tl Inscription to Elliott Roosevelt's Incredlbly Rafe B‘ I_(1tmdgf& CO‘ ::V—- ‘ Vfif
  Friend Ralph V. Hitchcock "A Friend You Can Hitch To" from Shlplied (eollt Ommpotent Et_Ched ‘ ‘ x
 \ Walter B. Scott During the 1933 Southwestern Exposition Panel M0 e_ 1878 Double Actlon ‘ j’ N >
 i\ and Fat Stock Show with Factory Letter Revo Ver Wlth FaCt0ry_ Letter _ T T’ 1

"" ‘ ”’ ' W: ‘ The Brig & Louise Pemberton Collection The George 5' Lewlsln Conectmn ’ ‘
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e  _  v , ’:’”rT  TTT.“;, " T ,  l'::  If _
 T.T.:....,. ' ‘ “ ll   e_ _ T Exceptional Texas Shipped and Mexico Cit
‘   ._./t V~— . t Y
e!‘;T_ V ,  e e  Exeeptienel Deeumented  t A; I‘) Police Chief Owned Factory Engraved Colt New
1‘;   :,,:,, Feeterv Engraved Celt Single  x 1 Service Diouble Action Revolver with Factory Relief
L '1 X Lee  ‘I, Aetien Army Revolver with Carve Steer Head Pearl Grip and Factory Letter
 V "  ‘ Relief Steer Head Carved Pearl _ The Charles Marx Couectwn /
‘I: Grips and Factory Letter  A“  .   1 
-9- A _ ’—’f":" - '‘_,,.,___,_j_“‘ I I “"‘  A W  Exceptional Factory Engraved Colt r ‘E
 V  e  W t  Officer's Model Target Double Action : 
7 1 ‘I ‘ ,\,,‘ 4 j . V ' '  Revolver with Relief Carved Steer Head i g ”
‘ | V /  ,' 2‘ my . i — ,
3; ‘I ” _,,_V ,, I  , Rare and Fine Black Powder \_ K Grip and Factory Letter it ‘
4 -  Frame Colt .22 RF Single ‘  ; I
i‘ K V /V. . 2
7’; | K ‘ C "1 Action Army Revolver with e V e A  t ‘I
§;A-e 1'. f O   I ‘ Factory Letter F __ 2% ‘  .;,,.(._N I 3 1
52/55, T? “ ,E__¢'__,1 \  t  \1 W Deeumented Lear‘ Aeeeurlt 3 T ‘
:5") ‘ ;" V1  T. V.  7 '7   Dallas- Texas- Shipped raetery Er1graVed 3 A I
2, ‘e V‘. A /, V_//f '  V 'e_ 1 V / \T  / Colt Officers Model Heavy Barrel Target {i ‘
r ‘_,f in ‘;(__j").@~ _ /  e   '’ ~; EXC€11€I1t D0C1lm€I1'E€d C01'E _ _ /, Third Issue Double Action Revolver with 
 CC»-r ‘\‘ ‘,3-T...   “ ‘K Bislel’ rlattep Target M0de1 9 ' Pearl Grips and Factory Letter 3 is ‘ “
,’ —e ' ‘ ‘  1;‘. .   Revolver Chambered in the Rare .32 /. V V C _ ,_ ‘ V4. 
la J 5. gr.  I  =1; Colt Cartridge with Factory Letter  rt’ _:.' "”/“‘Tb"é?"~i‘3V"4*"""'*l / x‘ 
 ‘ "— -. .“T.§3._-_ ‘jllt   - u - ,’ ‘R? (.7->' -3-‘ “T4...  I 
fir. ‘..\_,~ ée. V T   and Featured in A Study of the Colt Single .\, _ _   P. 
tr‘  ‘ A ‘    Action Arm Revolver" - ‘T * l , ‘-—’ 1‘ Magmflcent ’ T‘ T
3;   I  .V ' " y _ ‘ i= - ’ ‘  j Pennsylvania State /  l  ‘
l, ;  A  « T. .1. E I ——  — NC  Police Shipped Factoryj  T l 3 e I
! . «  I ‘ t ,, T r " «"F"t‘ I
v; _ .V_ V  . -  V 2 \ E Cl Cl /——, V.: L ;V ~ T
‘J V C "I l A  l\ v ' I "“"" (I T7 Inscribelcligrliiree-Vlllalrr      T
‘4 "T: A '   A     ' Factory Er3.g1:aVed.C0.l.t Colt Police Positive Special Double '  " A A
T      Doubliiolsgtliéi Action Revolver with Carved re Ci» '~ %"
” ‘I1, 5 "._‘:»"*$.~}";, ‘ , §TI~ ’ V ' . t I T3 M \ '  .
Jug";l\‘&:*ee(|¥Y.5L?l:V;{’e:' :eQ‘_\:L' I ° Pearl Grips Inscribed ..W_G_ Steer Head Pearl Grips, Factory . ‘\~®..:-TA, /Ix ,>e.\s;x»'~
, "TL7/;',l I _\  I Mathews" with Factory Letter Letter and Orlglnal BOX ‘\‘1; V} V P "
T t . ‘~'r“~) « C The Brig & Louise Pemberton Collection The Charles Marx Collection / ‘r 
9,  ’~  ,_i_ \ _ I  =*‘°‘ A
_  \ V :_ L.‘ ‘T, -  V V V I I  I
Spectacular Alvin *‘  it __ V N V  Ti _ ,
F. Herbert Factory '1 ,_ '  \“"‘ I A Historic Documented Gold 1 T / T’ Wlabu: G1"‘.h"“f
Master Engraved 0. l‘  *  _..T- _ Inlaid Inscribed to Influential U.S. F tag ell;/?le,fe'
Colt First Generation (-V) l  ' ‘T Presidential Secretary to President  ac my as er
Single Action Army A  I ,/ Theodore Roosevelt, William Loeb ]r. G”.‘de C Engrared
Revolver in .357 Magnum ‘   Colt New Service Target CFO” St gensegatlton
with Factory Letters \     Double Action Revolver Sin le Aet1;)):lXReV(())(1)V:11:
The Brig & Louise I W : LL I Avm”\>‘P*~E3 *- ’ with Factory Letter g . Y .
Pemberton Collection ‘ ‘ I The Bng & Lomse
Pemberton Collection

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