Page 20 - YIR2024
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Phenomenal FactoryConsecutIve Trio of .
Master Simon Coggan Signed and Game Scene ' . A *
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5 We had our best year to date with sporting
» 7,, arms In 2024. Several monumental llfetlme
V collections crossed the podium in all three
/ , ’ of our auctions this year most notably out of
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. _ _ ; V/‘ ‘ f e the collection of a world—class South Texan,
/2 ;_J<::»l-?'~:":‘:’~# ' 4;.’ , which included both trios of Purdeys as well as
' 4:; .'-:.;‘_'~, // / ' the mint. 500 NE Westley Richards dangerous
,_’ ere‘ _ _. "£_7__;V~rer-“i”'” game rlfle. From the heart of Dallas came the
2 /:9 i 2 impossibly rare tandem ofthe .28 gauge pre-
' war Boss and the first .410 O/U pre—war Boss.