Page 19 - YIR2024
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ExtremelyRare FNManufacturIngM240 General )/A :l*l§“‘\
Purpose BeltFedMedIum Machine Gun, Class Ill/NFA ._ .‘ e ."lEllN.
Fully Transferable Machine Gun with Accessories llgglzlgtlglfzxllllwi
“llill ulgli;
\ lull’ Illlj -
S , «elllfill l‘ l .. ,2‘ ._y g_
g SOLD 470,000 ,M:} 5 -em
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V ;_ f».,;_;"‘_.. .96‘. * V I _. " ‘flm - .. ‘ ~
wt‘ l’ H "‘*"'““’ . “ tail 5 *“‘*“--“we ‘l
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" \"i‘*;-'.e-.;v__ 3”‘ Rareand Exceptional World Ki: -—-
‘"f~e ' -Tgee _ - “ Extremel Rare World Warll German C.G.
M.’ ,\,,.__\\}\ Warll Erma MP.38 Submachine ,_M_,§ , Y
.I, K Gunlclassm/NFA C&R Fully HaenelMKb 42(H) Machine Carbine with
»:'“~i-.j‘A":3~l:i~. ‘~~:‘: ""“‘~3»'.:;.« ' l‘ V 55: Sheet Metal SniperScope Mountand
fig‘ wasfransferableMachIne Gun «ii \x]_‘_;; .
‘ F ._ A “.5,/.. _ ‘ ZF4 1/1 Sniper Scope, Class Ill/NFA Fully
Transferable Machine Gun
r lg SOLD $1 64,500
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#3‘ ~::’:*V;‘T ”, ,4 I‘ /77‘ :~*__({~',‘ ~ V in.» t (W L}! J, , . . . , . V»
vi : ~' lll HighlyDesirableKnightCsArmamentCo.StonerModel63A ModularLight
.~: ' T Machine Gun, Class Ill/NFA Fully Transferable Machine Gun
e e @.e,e-_--_ soLD $223,250
K‘ I! l ‘_{— V» , ~, —e _,. »__,,—.__..e N _, b_“>__:¥_ ‘:?‘:’V in I
/I _ T 7 I ‘( -if, 4/‘ . __.. \ , .,,».§ W K 1 ‘‘‘‘Y__‘}
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” ‘ ‘°“ _ w- ,___~...-‘J tag‘; ..«a -:3 : £~_ 3,y,1Q; ;' A es.‘ + 3;
7;‘..‘;‘e-.e..2;.¢‘~;: 0 e \
Scarce U.S. Harrington &RichardsonM16A1 Selective Fire Rifle, V U V .., . '4 -‘1,=l4’.._
Class Ill/NFA C&R Fully Transferable Machine Gun ’ .' ll_"‘ 3 ’ A 3.2.,‘
World Warll German MG34 fe. ' ‘. 4 * A er‘, -
'62 5 Medium Machine Gun, Class " _ .', AC
Ill/NFA C&R Fully Transferable » ,
Machine Gun, with Accessories , _,' l‘ A “/[#4
' - \g.<é5'
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SOLD $94,000 V
Perhaps there is no hotter market in our field 1.. if
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than Class III weapons. It's not Just year by year
but auction by auction they seem to grow. we “ll llWlllillllllllllllll‘ l W1 e " 0 e e
set the world record fora Stoner Model 63A at 1 2 till l l l 1 l J . _.., LN! ‘
$223,250. An Armalite AR—18 prototype landed 0 \ « , 47 9/ is
,2 achieved a world record of $1 1 7,500 in August. Fleming Firearms MPSSD - « ‘S H . T
A Great and rare WWII machine guns also seem Submachine Gun with — “ ‘
to have no limitations and the days of virtually 5”e”‘e’I Class ll’/“FA l I A
any fully transferable machine gun under SOLD "
$10,000 is lost to history. egg