Page 24 - YIR2024
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Some of the greatest names in the field of fine arms collecting trusted Rock Island Auction Company to present
their esteemed collections in 2024, driving our success. Their storied collections attracted world—wide interest and
garnered record sales as a new generation of arms enthusiasts eagerly competed to own a piece of history. These
giants in the collecting field and the fruits of their lifelong passion spurred unprecedented growth in a market with
vast potential. As fine arms continue to see a dramatic rise in value, the opportunity to find a worthy price for
your gun has never been stronger.
David Aroh George F. Gamble NRA Whittington Center
Dave Ballantyne David Gainsborough-Roberts Brig & Louise Pemberton
Felix Bedlan The Gatewa Collection The Ruidoso River Museum
Robert D. Beeman Harro Kniffl<a Collection
Norman R. Blank Michael Kerwood The Saloga Collection
The Brandhorst Collection Malcolm King Tom Selleck
Bailey Brower, Jr. Greg Lampe Andrew Singer
Phillip Otto Clark Robert M. Lee Jan Still
Marvin L. Cole George S. Lewis Jr. Putnam Green/Sycamore
Allan Cors Joe Marlin Hilliard The TTT Collection
Wayne Connor Charles Marx Karl P Voigt III
Cranford Dalby Larry Mattson Charles Wagner
David L. DeLullo Jr. Jon M. Maxwell James Windy
Mac McCroskie
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.; ~ _© -_;""i§"‘“‘ ‘W “"—' » ExtremelyRare and HighlyDesirable
'7. . ’ l V ~ f — 3,5: . f _"V’"’I_J"“. Historic 18th CenturyAustrian Military
yrafi JG,’ ' . g K” Model 1780 Girardoni Repeating
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‘ ’ T" 73$ 1' »—, A 0 . _ ' I i by '7 Believed to Have Been Carried on the
’ 3.. . «all i i‘ i g ’* .' Q,;9‘ l‘ ?"f/J } »« Lewis&ClarkExpedition
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Robert D. Beeman
g ~ 33 ExtraordinarilyFinelyEngraved, Gold lnlaid, and5ilverMounted ‘ll; ‘ ‘I . E. l
1 Half—5tockFlintlock$porting Rifle byHaslettofBaltimore { 7' Q
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, Norman R. Blank