Page 25 - YIR2024
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 from the barrel§"  ‘ .  ' I ’ = J V‘ =, S  ‘L
 ,. , U ‘sho-rring wi(hout'r1:roughly bloat’ _ ~   '  iv“  _  f “ Q
L '_ ' - L . '1 and applying a thin coat of oil. L   ’  ‘  ‘K L‘ . ‘N  

1 \ ’ .. '. .1570.
' '~:H‘'‘rf{?F “V by _, g‘ _ M   ’  World Warll U.S. M20 Greyhound  9‘, -.
0 3: L ‘   7 "  Armored UUW Car “ zist‘  .¢
‘ L‘-"5 Rare GoldPlatedSavageModel 1917    L V.<:l°"-ilk  "L .
’‘ Semi—AutomaticPistolwithAttractive ‘ f "
Pearl Grips and Scarce FactoryBox, l \.  F
Factory Letter, and Case " f  1
SOLD $1 8,800  
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Baile Brower r. H '*
Y J  Sgt, Allan Cors
 ‘ ’ '  kl " ll‘ ‘ ;.
 . A i\ I  J   Exemplary Well—Documented 5 ,
‘ §¢{\; ‘ 4 J.’ . K "‘*v-‘T-M-‘3 Cased EarlyProduction Factory L " g
:4 J » jg, 1 '4 7 )1‘ J, . . *\ ’  Engraved ColtModel 1851 
  “LL19 A 5*’:i53L‘%$‘::V3;;’:37—F;:‘fif Nav Percussion Revolverwith  V‘
“ .  » ‘V     Extremeware GoIdPIated 5  ,
   Walnut Grip Featured in Several \  .»" 
 V  /7;,’ ' Malcolm  ‘     x ‘T L 2” Notable Publications \\\‘§  'y
 ~  * \ * c E *2 solo $352,500 \ / *
/ V "~ ~. .\ " ‘I’,
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r ' ' Mg  ;L._,  ‘  (IN E» « -_‘ ‘\ 
UniqueMagnificentEngraved&FactoryGoldlnlaidHolland&Holland  " V ' 4? ' i.’ J
10 Bore Double Barrel Rotary Underlever Big Game Hammer Rifle with ’ . r"

Cases, Made for The Nizam of Hyderabad  y 3»
SOLD $103,500   A L   - “L ‘ \
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. " . 4‘;  ,  / ~r*“*"’" . Q «_
,«——-—-—-—————~»   \' ra ' $4?’ 452-» . . . .. l. 3%  L ,
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‘. _  » \ _   ,5“ L .
‘~. *  _ ,,  -A: < \
‘*3 v a. V  ExtremelyRareBlackPowderColt”Pinched  > ‘NE \ 
J5 ,_  Frame”SingleAction ArmyRevolver with Rare "‘h‘f§'§'y'   A
fl..:"V’—‘:”  AttachableSkeleton Stockand Ron Graham  ' L Q
  V Letter as Pictured in 34 Study of the Colt Single ‘ ' " .
 5 ‘ Action ArmyRevolver”
L i  / Charles Marx
[ 7  50'-D 52931750 Tom Selleck

* _., ‘  S * “ -;-tx  ‘-1? * 1 J ’  --U-5

F\' g T    Exceptional Documented Highly Optioned Special Order Winchester Deluxe

;    Q N,- Model 1886 LeverAction .50 Express Takedown Rifle with Factory Letter
j     L 0 SOLD $1 05,750

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