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Expanding into Texas was the largest undertaking in is only beginning to stretch its legs with regards to hosting.
company history, but with a single year under our belt, the The past year we welcomed the founders of Horse Soldier
results are clear. Our second—best year to date, 2024 was filled Bourbon for their powerful Whiskey 8: War Stories event, as
with world records, new bidders, and even the introduction well as the members of the Texas Gun Collectors Association
of two new auction formats with our RIAC On Time to join us for our year—end December Premier auction to
timed auctions and the inaugural “Guns 81 Coffee” event. celebrate our historic partnership and the release of the Pine
81 Historic Arms Annual. Together they marked a wonderful
The record prices have come from some of the most beginning, as we continue to discover the ways this facility
exquisite pieces to come to market, as seen in King Louis can build and bring together the firearms fraternity.
XIII’s royal wheellock, as well as rapidly rising fields such as
military arms. The “blue chip” fields of Colt and Winchester 2024 has been a success in most significant metrics, such as
continue with their perennial strong showings, but surges number of bids placed, but most importantly in the rising
from other areas indicate growth in new and intriguing areas, number of new clients and new bidders. By opening the new
resulting in some very exciting moments as the gavel fell. world headquarters for fine arms collectors, that is exactly
what we sought to accomplish. Bringing new collectors into
Furthermore, the new headquarters of fine arms collecting the fold and finding new clients to partake in this honored