Page 8 - YIR2024
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V. . . \ __ V ,1 V . _E-v‘ceptionallyRare, Important, and Well
V -“ , g l ‘ 5- M ‘ '*' —~— g V I /;,,c'umented ColtModel 1907 U.S.Army Test Trials
0 v if V H I g ' _ "' - ; fig. Semi-Agutomatic PistolNRA Silver Medal Winner
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3 . rs ago, Rl71i‘C‘fir7‘s’c‘3t*fila'de'a ‘na"m‘é for itself with record— "r . ‘ ’ §g;..- ' » /
—- j ttering results on US and foreign military arms, handling the most ,. .4. _._;~.,;. . . " "
Iebrated and prestigious collections. 2024 was no different, with _ V j _,; "H r
another installment of the world—renowned Alan Cors collection ‘ . ' H fl iii 3' W‘
If ibookended by two fabulous and iconic German military collections ' 0,??? T’ 5
Eflgincluding the legendary Jan C. Still Collection. We saw not only strength 2
but record results Wlth arms from nearly every major 20th and 21st .3 . 3’
century conflict. I would expect more of the same in 2025. 2024 also .
2 ’ saw RIAC launch its first themed timed auction: "The World at War"thati V 7’
. . . =. «-;’."’;s=‘_r ‘H “.“;~ f ‘‘ “‘''.§'l,''‘,l. 1:,j."
spanned the American Revolution to the first Gulf War and touched v : m v
about everything in between. Look out for more ofthat in 2025. :27, x
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pg». V‘ H] ; ‘ t , l _ W V‘ " “,_ I i ’?‘>.\V HighlyDesirable World WarllU.5.
__—. ~ _ , if .— :3 M3Ai Stuart Light Tank
V ‘ ~\,~ . " A g L? _ g V-
-:.l i ~ ‘ . V g r ‘SOLD $323,125
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« -'\_ ‘V Rare Historic ,‘/-"‘ V ’ " V V_ , . i, \y ._ ~
\ 'T"°§l‘gQg1tstanding, Rare and Highly Heinrich Himmler l. l7 K 'i\ ’, r’ '
‘ ,f_»‘v,‘«3" .:;.':;,, 1, M - ‘l \ H,‘ , _,r=;‘.':.wj';;_=;: , .
‘ .373? ,1’ ” — Desirable, Unserialized World Inscribed World War II Sniper \\ / gm-l-, f -C. -
W II5' M f r ' c ' d I 0 "‘ ll “lg
_V::4.,:E,.W:/V ar inger .anu ac uring o. PresentationJ.P. 5auerMo e \ _ Q] ‘ 5
Prototype/Presentation Model i9iiAl 38H5emi—AutomaticPistol 3 ‘ ‘x )‘ \§ \
5emi—Automatic Pistolwith Unique Factory with Bring BackPaper ‘El-,V “ ‘fl; V \
Polished, ln—The—White Finish S 8 8,1 2 5 a\\‘\‘ . . V 1 :9
~ - SOLD $94,000 ’