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 E‘ : —-‘(WWW ~- vi‘ ,/-, /V  \:;;:\_")    V  . g _ 3‘ ( £5 Celebrated Highly ’
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" - ' ’ ""'   ~ ”" " ._-ya:  : ,_,“\_r‘: "*' ""‘ ’ ' ’ ““‘ it '" g Gilt, and Carved Fernando
E  _;A - .y_ A} A Engraved and Gold Inlaid Alexander Henry .577 Olave Miquelet Sporting Gun  ‘
V    ’ 1:f;v’'‘‘’?‘”’‘:tg:‘‘’?'BEck Powder Express) Iones Underlever Double Barrel Rifle 7  _ in ,7}: _ ‘V  g.’
f‘ ‘\ g  7  Owned by Prime inister Salar Iung of Hderabad //V)’ -3‘   I . :_r ‘ I 
.% 3.. , E, V. .7;    K :-,"‘§v"’V: . __ "W A\ V V —— J —§/rw ‘hi 5 ''*’-%§\ _ 
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1 Z  L:  V i _ "Kt, 7 "Vt V  Scarce Gilt
. 3’ .  ‘ /.—" V :,   ‘-7   V '  '  Engraved Gilt
3 '//F / ‘t ‘ V ". .:.r—;»3: , /4''|F''’‘' *  I Brass Barrel Wheellock
i ‘ E» I w 4 Very Rare Pair of Engraved and Gilt Enclosed , g ' V-,9 Sporting Rifle
V  v  g  ' -s-5”‘ LockFlintlock Sporting Guns by 1.]. Behr V I  ' ‘ . j -
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p‘ ‘ i ‘ $1 7'   /  W »\ ‘”i~'-I. V /  Desirable E, l 7 g a;%¢:«r,»»u ‘gamut ‘“' ’
if  ‘fit _, is " i s  MN ,  4 =4 Remington 8:  K 1' ‘P9; Very Fine Clliseled and Gilt
  E _  «.   / Sons Thomas /_,v* C . ’ Flintlock Sporting Gun by
V ~ ’    ”' I  ‘V’ '-I 5“ '2 Percussion  
; .   ,‘ Vu5_;_ lwwi  ‘ 4,   L I : _ .\ /
, l  . . _ ._ , W... i, — Vi.‘ Gun wit ' __//—————' ’—. ‘ '_6»_§§i;_L;=*_;=;,~\g.y~.—;, X,’
l . ;;;.__   7 E    C  ~ Attractive K’ /” so ’  ~ " 4*  "<
  -~   da. ,. / ,_.l._,n. . _ ,, , ..  ”Ball and /. g  , g \ /V 1 
 ,‘ Outstanding Cased Pair of . -4 Claw Handle A»  —. i,    f,  . D , 
  9‘    Engraved Iohn Manton & Son 7   C \ f V :1 V - ‘5 ‘ C F. J L ,,;~—-~W‘:‘>,‘}"
‘=’?"““"‘r-‘L-,:~r_ ‘V  " Percussion Dueling  @l\,»?:“§. f   '4 T“¥"-9 ,, i .  9
~.:  i » - Pistols gr ; ri ‘ P — t V. t  ~ ’ \ '
\/ 'i '11‘ a.  §‘a ‘C N _ V  J ‘
 "~ ’  . ' 7 ii?” a  *‘““ '  . V Engraved and Carved Late 17th Century
~ t g i  V-7 , W / , x .2--— Rare Documented Engraved Collier Second , , ,
 ' ‘ ~  . 1, * ~ ‘  V / ( i Model Percussion Conversion Revolver Panslan Swlvel Breech Double Barrel
V  t 1? . l _‘~‘:;:~1‘~§-‘-_i— ' / _ - - -
«  _  \ _ _ _ ___ V _ __ _ Flintlock Sporting Gun by Thura1ne
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5'5. i *'ll*lill‘i\% t  t-ttiify $3”  it ‘t fl’ ti:  ’ . ’ R s d M d 1s ‘th-I ‘
E’ ‘(l   F ii;  by _ ” '7  Q C .' 4 are eC(PIercus:i:n RI:31}l7eati:1I;nRIi1F.l':
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1.; ‘t it  \\~;Al‘x.3 ;  “( <, VeryRare and v , K   - ~~———~——
 . I R   ‘A’ V» 7')’ Highly Attractive ’  1 ~ ‘i >  _ D _, . /_s 
~  ‘\ _ ' / Kr’ vtt V ' , A t4«—- -4-*"*""~
L‘  t \i Q , Factory Game Panel yr '1 /_ ' fl  (
‘.1: I  _ / // scene Exhibition " ' 7! , V '    ' - ' ' Extraordinary Documented Iacob
“-3 .  / Engraved and Gold _ .,.w  ~ '  1?‘? " ’ ' Snider Percussion Rifle with Extensive
, ”t  Inlaid Remington Rolling Block Shotgun with —  ff’  17 Engraved German 5i1V€1' 1I11aYS
\ . F «.  Elaborately Relief Carved Stock : L &" b
 ‘- Vgifl;  ~ .' ,,,_ ,.._ _ » e,,p—»- , i»‘~rt  ., vi-.,, __ "
‘{.,‘:;:.—:.gnt d ,. . ' \ .,. ~ ,. T1  C  ..~;~ f‘.v4q;::-\
Historic, and = t ;~:::      Z  ‘ ' i H  .
EX‘3ePti°na11Y ‘ fig.‘ " ii  v _ V ,—- Vyl I   47- F 1.5’  D is? ‘;
Fine S. Hawken ‘ ( ;_\  “via -'‘‘5 “AZ  st, <- ~ ' ' ’   (
Large Caliber  ., >3 M‘ i\_ _ t   ax’  1,; W l  V!  ;  V  ,
Half—Stock \\ i  ~ " * ‘L’  s, K  ‘ii A] l  ;i V F s_~_. };nii%Tv” ..
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 iflefrom ’ V F"  ‘ - — — _ W‘ 1*» ""_:L.  ...__.—..__.v t" '"‘  ta. ‘

p _  .‘  J} _ ' _ _ _ ’ tn’! —««,:4;_;.»;7~v.  5. 
R1::s(:\:I:ltt’sl_heOdO . i V  ' - EG}c1)llbdtPl):tef<;1rR(::n1i::gtr:V:;1 a:dIq~Bea1-lyfu-1 Caged Exhibition Grade A. Pair of Henry Tatham Flintlock Officer’s
Collection  ‘V '  ;_ ew Ode1NO. 21gI$7I1O1V‘::_ xith 1JI1g(r1aw1/s,=1<186C‘:8i11t:H.tI;10gandg’a‘$” Pistols with Case Inscribed “Captain Daniel

//“ JPear aSe 0 e ACfiO:SRe:O1‘:? Ou e Tyler Pomfret 1778”

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