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. E ‘X // WalkerPercussion Revolver  _ MN 
L  . «  Marked or Mexican  up , , .~..., / ' ‘e 
 K L; f "‘:,‘/w,v:;::.:'._[.“>:'.:§ 5 ix‘ _’  V  . \ 
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1‘ ‘ ‘I , W I ,. H ’ ‘ ,§ ,_\,,__, ,__,._. ,._v.«:~t K; V “F’.3{ "  '
fpiz.‘  Engraved Colt Model 1860 Army Percussion g.  ’ fl_     ' . A _, _ _
7 ». T , Revolver with Ebon Gri Passed Down throu h g  » v
kéi " if - the Family of Second Lieutenant Huntington F   ‘gflfilfi  ”
_ A : ‘\‘\ W‘  . “ \-_~;. ._:,_:v_‘
   Wolcott of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry  L  V L,  ~ »~ 
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 1'  ,5  g . —-/ 2.} \ Phenomenal Factory Consecutive ‘jg.-‘«’  M  
(\  ST ’  W! Trio of Master Simon Coggan  r 1.  
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\ N‘ “M i‘ ‘ Signed and Game Scene   V3’ V13}; =.~:,.i_]4 I A‘; 
¥ .5‘ ., "~.  Engraved Iames Purdeyé      
" R '\w'’"' L‘  S 28G S'dl k /'/L9”  .«:'§.fl,i/; #6 "H % *3,‘/5
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Sensational Documented ’ * ‘Q 3“ __h‘,"‘_‘*‘=i‘ , ti ~ Over/UnderShotguns /,/ _ ‘%‘;j‘-3§«',c¢'~“§.Ei
Factory Engraved Colt Single ' . \\\.:'D ‘J ‘ i ,/ «, _. ‘{‘;~.\’.:    t
Action Army Revolver with *  ‘  ‘ /'/V L /'      V  
Steerhead Carved Grip, Box and ‘ *\ ,3." I .1  . l V L ,/, ;,fx__'-  ‘ .~  g ,2,’
Factory Letter 4   _ X‘. _.

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