Page 3 - 4091Mailer
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Historic Documented ..,~.p: , ...— _ ‘K 1 ._ V W l», M/‘
' ' .5 f Ainsworth Inspected Prime 7th Cavalry “‘ D ' ~ 7
,3: L ' S g T‘ {I Range Lot Six U.S. Colt Cavalry Model Single Action Army p I ‘M0955 -.r I .
'”"‘ aw; ' “ Q ’ ’.,i::} i" :1 Revolver Accompanied by Kopec Letter and Attributed to bl /<|l‘ ' ‘a;
'__V ”;:,f£L:., ”l_ l l:.._ ‘E; Captain Myles Moylan, Commander of Company A, Medal of ‘ -~-. ‘ ‘ - , . ~ 5
1:5:/\ 1.. , >_ ‘K; ,4 : i :. J.‘»y.fl,'« ‘ Honor Recipient, and Veteran of Gettysburg, Little l .. V‘... (I . e
"f\. ‘t ;3.’~fg,»:: v - V Bighorn, and Wounded Knee ., ’/Q " \
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' ff ‘ \ .,, Exceptional Historic Documented W / .9 i =
, 2; . . j~£a;‘I-,‘«;;‘._' 2, _ , * , H ‘- ~- ' Q _
v i i; ~. \ I ;_ Ainsworth Inspected Lot 8 U.S. Cavalry V1 ' ; r’ ,. -_‘€ ,3.
. , . V _, W . ‘ I H’ J ‘ .
\ «' , I Model Colt Single Action Army Revolver » y - ,-“.‘_-*,;,;g;~fi;sv _ hf _ ~. g L’ _ ‘
==:-sag) § — ; '73 3‘ \_\ " Attributed to the 8th U.S. Cavalry and \ ~-._\ i;_:";‘v @ ., ‘
_ .. ' : : » ‘lylv ' » General ThomasW. Bennett with Kopec ‘ , , _" -
, Gold Seal Letter M “F = 5} :1‘ \,
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— K ‘ — : ‘ ’ PhenOmena1_TeXaS Rfltafler Wolf Outstanding Documented David F. Clark I “V9”
/ V & Klar Shlpped Wllbur Glahn Ins ected US Colt Cavalr Model Sin le ; I x _ I "- Tu;
' Factory Engraved First Generation ' ' . Y g “ I I ‘:;§Q:‘ L, ‘ .
.u,v~~ _ _ _ Action Army Revolver with Factory Letter and \g3;«;‘l§;>.\.
" * Colt Single Action Army Revolver with \ V
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g _ / Fanatic Relief Carved Steer Head Grips, F h G L C H _ pp‘ \ 1,7,. V
_ Presentation Inscription, and Factory Letter nfm t e reg ampe 0 ectiglb ill”: i 3‘ ‘ D
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3; Factory Engraved Colt Model _ I —— _ .
‘_5_'3§, ' 1878 Frontier Double Action 7 K » _\\_ \ 43/ p , t
/ " ’ ‘ Revolver with Pearl Grips Inscribed E ‘ O /E‘ l 4
, ‘ ,/ Iohn H. Burns for the Deadwood 4 _ ~ A __ O \
0 5 \ 7 A = 5 so .'
i . ttorney, Judge, Rancher, and Author C i ‘ \ 2 / try‘ M
l " with Factory Letter 3 Fanta_5liS . t _ \ x __ ,
‘, From the Greg Lampe Collection ' Retaller I ‘{ -1
‘\ _ [ Woodsman Target f _ y "51:/,_ _
2%’ _—— .27 y Pistol with—Box;ai'i_d Factory_Letter«:_f5?“- 1; I _ i , x *
/x . N?‘ , ‘———""— 7-‘ »-,:::t:»:. v. t, . ' W; 3.1;» L
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p ‘R1’ 1‘. ‘ ,,-r 7 ,; xcep iona o is ey / _ -V 1," _ ‘ ’
.»' / Flatfop Target Smg_1e Historic L.D. Nimschke New York Master I‘ “ v . :3, 3: i‘l”:" " ‘ l ‘ 5 I l
“H. Actlon Revolve” Wlth Engraved First Generation Colt Single Action I ” \ ‘V _ J _ ' i
7 Factory Letter Army Revolver with “F. Villa” Inscription for V \ .‘-:‘ ' "' k
\ g V . _ , Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Attractive Raised Relief ‘ ‘ I V 4: 53
L" l P. V_ _ V ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' r, Carved Steer Head Grip with Additional Documentation ' I l l’ 1 L” ; / y
9»: L, . . . 7 ./ nfl ,_ y
- " H l‘ ' ., ‘ 1» ' EV V\"Z”‘y"' I l ‘ la” Ii; »‘) /Q ‘
. xv. 1 " ‘y- ’» -, A . ' ‘ l‘ ' .. I »4,» '
I i ziw‘ ‘‘ in “ ‘ L l ¥~ * x "Z
" Documented Factory ' NV" . F , ‘.5, ‘
— ' Engraved Etched Panel Exceptional Documented New York xx 5 , :‘1’7'¥ _*
.‘ "/7 V Colt Frontier Six Shooter Hartley & Graham Engraved Factory ‘ / 5;}? V‘
, ' Single Action Revolver with “Soft” Shipped Colt Bisley Single Action " I1 2., ' /
, Carved Mexican Eagle Pearl Grip Revolver with Factory Letter \ " ‘L ( H _
2 and Factory Letter 1 A ‘ , - A . FRI/I16
- t « ,5; - ar e
"’ ‘m’ « ‘ fig ’ ~ C 1 .
, ,_,, , M ‘M . _ ‘ .1 7‘ * Q.’ ~ L .‘7J’”‘_~:':‘ 37* 0 t Thlrd
5‘ F"? H» E I '7‘ Fl 5 —"“",‘ my ’ l " ' 3 Model Dragoon
. I l \‘ ‘ _ mi 2 - p Exceptional Colt A 19;“ :7 _:,_,_;"!‘ L . ,3" ‘V l 7 Percussion Revolver
§ M, " 1 __ ‘— _.. ‘ London Sheriff’s ‘v -3: h ‘ / ~ _ with Desirable
5 I ' « ~ ' ‘ -v~Z ' ' , Model 1877 _ 17 V‘ 9, < ~.'*"fI_) ' I’ W /) Three—Leaf Rear
' W 1 ‘ t V . .’ _ ' LighmingDOub1e Exceptiona}l.Doc(111men.ted Allbeit K, _ 1)} \ =;.i.;‘$VA@ V . , Sight’“FOu1__
; pg . « ‘ g t g V Action Revolver F03”: 1”’ S lppe 1An?que B ac d 1 5‘ , / Screw” Frame, and
3”’ p p g /' i l "L ’ ' ' I M" I with Rare Picture §_0W1e;F:?meACOt”1l{attO1p T""$‘t’}‘111‘:/I°t" X ‘ Shoulder Stock
$1 7 1% » * —~ ~ H A - » 4 13°" *‘"‘* F“‘°‘°’Y L1e:tgei‘fasCPli:Itlire1dIll,i $3334. LZZESY I W F“"" the G"%’L“'"Pe
‘ Letter ‘ ‘T I/"‘ Collection
Collection” by Sellers I ,
L I / ’ I W
ll RE M I R l:l RE A lilxl .’~‘\.l._,.l'L:‘>l> I U W " Ni ./Va" l '..7T"', l W llll 3