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)2‘) e, /” '," Extremely Rare and Outstanding ' ===; V 3:; ‘ - 2 ' Kg’ p
. ‘A Documented Iron Frame New Haven Arms £ ' ;_wINcnr.5TER;" . l E
_ _ / V " Co. Henry Lever Action Rifle agn:ins‘i—7='"".‘§.:.§_;.R5.';"_nf"_;-§;‘»;;_gg_ 2,
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F ll Exceedingly Scarce, Ulrich Factory Master Engraved, 3’ ‘ A 77"
. ‘(J and Gold and Platinum Inlaid Marlin Deluxe Model 20 “ Hlghly Peslrable Wlnchestér Repeatmg Arms _C°'
\ ‘ Slide Action Takedown Rifle with Winchester A5 Scope Double W 1897 Pattern Cartridge Board Advertisement
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g “V / ‘ 7 Extremely Rare Documented Antique Factory Engraved , ‘
_ . ‘ N 1/ Nickel and.Gold—Plated Exhibition QualityWinchester V‘. /I K . _ \'
""”’" V. ' A ~ ’ Deluxe Model 1890 Slide Action Rifle with Factory Letter Exceptional Volcanic /' 4‘ K,
Repeating Arms CO. y \‘$,\
“B an d U 1} ' 'ii 7"; _( 71" 7 _' Lever Action Navy Pistol [‘ ‘\\
. ‘ ; ' ’ "ism
K _ , : / _ 1: i"( Exceptionally Fine Antique Winchester Deluxe Model _' \.g=.‘ cl‘
; ‘ '-7 =75“ /'9 kg" 1894 Lever Action Rifle with Factory Letter 5’ " ‘ _ \ ’
A ‘,., V/L / 77/ I_;,__ _ 7 i I 7 I W“ I h R A”: V’ ‘qr
" 1» ‘ ’ ‘ F t E dV1 ' ‘? .
« 1 ‘ Emnem Ear1yNew Arms R:;::gng"§:::: Co:;;:‘;:; V .2?‘
" ' ' ' XX ' Volcanic Lever Action Carbine with Rare 21 Inch Barrel . . i V. \
Lever Action Navy Pistol -ii‘ \
i F In $1? E 9 I 7 ,,~- 1' ‘hi tar»-v-q~v*'-xvi"?-=.—r*~z~». . V: V
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7 » . I ‘ Exceptionally Documented, Special Order Winc-hestei’ ' . “:3;
/"C ‘ , j 4.. ‘ * —'*‘ Deluxe Model 1873 Lever Action Rifle with Factory Letter ‘ < ;_ H ‘=7
v‘ I V 1/ 57 ’ ff’ W7 " ’T"”W’ ‘ \> ' ~ “W
,,g«,V““"‘ l ' Exceptionally Fine Factory \ , ‘ J\
'4 (K " V 5 Rare Documented Factory Game Scene Engraved Marlin Deluxe Engrijled M:rh_n D_::11:X:MOd;1_fl
gr \ Model 1897 Lever Action Rifle as Pictured in Marlin Firearms 1893 ever Ctlon e Own 1 e
\ 3 / U.
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J’. _ V 7‘ Q1 //~/~,»—v' Engraved Marlin Deluxe _;_—_W I e: H ~j‘:7/,.”\..vLv~.'@Lh}€%:7
4, yr, :,#“‘~_ . . g Ph ID d Model 1897 Lever Action , Qt _ _‘_Z 7 5 ii
A « a .459, V , / _ I enomena ocumente R.fl .thF t L H . W x 5 34 H ‘_‘.k\,"\>.“ _ 7 _ E
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1 0,: } inc es er o e pecia K V, , 4
.,_ V » I, S //1 Order High Wall Schuetzen Rifle * — WM; 1 V”
N V in 22 Short with Factory Mounted Winchester A5 Scope .7 J W“ V ‘
' ,:_-_-f W . 3 T _ Fantasticlzirstyear -_n 71 I . ‘~\ /7
» /-.3 V, I 7' 7 7 Production Winchester =1 4 ‘ ’ pg‘ -3
,.- Exceptionally Fine Antique Express Company Style Mode] 1887 Lever ~v“§§'. :9; F " ‘ p , = V
, ;. 4 ' / ‘I Winchester 10 Gauge Model 1887 Lever Action Action shotgun ‘V,\~\ ,4 max‘
' ' “Riot” Shotgun with Desirable 20 Inch Barrel . ""‘ I» ‘
,,,,, "‘ - V’ '3 ‘A V
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* p K K‘$!.VV’flfl(t'n..( / / >1; “ ‘ Q:;\;\». A k\ "N ,.
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" v ‘ ti 2. * V , ~£ » . . v'-' \ V
‘ V l(‘‘‘‘' v 5’ ‘F A «M. £3? A // A '
C \ « Outstanding Factory Engrav ‘anal ‘Au!-J . @ ‘ v, }\" ‘
Inlaid Winchester Model 21 ],;-,gn5-_-g;m.-.I ‘ -_ _‘(/ '-lggavi ,3 l"
\___ ( Shotgun Presented to 38th Pres ale.-.ri! <.>!".ii: A q . V V V F ii i Q“ 7 ~,-- 5 _ “
United States Geral .,__ Fun! I! ‘ - - J‘ 5 R1,, “ 1 A Framed Winchester Shoot
;' ::'’‘_‘s* E i ‘ — \ ‘ ‘ ,3 . ‘ ' j Them and Avoid Trouble”
,»'“ ” 4 “ 4, Factory MasterE g;a'k:«;! \ f ;L ’ _ .,;,,’;iI_§;i;;;;;=:R=L' ‘ Advertising Print
*7 and Signed Pair of"" mg ‘ ‘"5’ ;.— —— _‘.,,, . W p 7 _ M ~ _, WW
' _e , V pg”, Model 1885 Bice m.:.jl§= : L ‘ gfwg I /4 A ” ” 9 ’ '9 / s”//Km ’ Tim
l I V’ ‘ "ziffl V’ Single Sho ‘ugh ’ v =>:5;1"7 V ;‘ ‘ .1 » /5.: :4, . F - F F ——H l
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' ;,j':- I A .m ‘ ’ Presente to‘ - 7- ' \ ' Desirable ‘r /, I, _
‘ r or "- President \l Framed 1 " ‘:‘?:'V' K "\ 3“ y l
~ GeraldR. ,&,~ T 7 ii ——r. WinCh€St9Y ll.‘ . l ‘O zlll
ff‘ I , 7 Ford Ir. y\r\§¥~'l£, . '7 ‘ /~ Re eatin , V.‘ ~ " ‘A ‘ '
’ ' 1 J J n ""’f—’ _ Arplns Cog l ‘ 1 -\U», V.
‘ : 1 gnu.‘ «;.~_ , x ‘ \ ' _ 1 ‘ V « ,
:> A 1 1 ° A ~. _ “‘“:;”'£°°r: A “*1 ‘ W
_ - ;\ Desirable Untouched 1950 Cadillac Advertising Print W 3': wan m
,‘ Series 61 Hardtop Club Coupe _g. 15% Z ’ ‘ "D
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