Page 10 - 4093-Flyer-5
P. 10

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// , 311111 1.1 . -~ 4-» K g :—~‘ 1 .r\‘ Rare and Highly .",‘!'1-',€w§fl;mMtim1‘Q
1  Outstanutnganu     11 . K *    . 1  Daurabla 
 ’ Rare, Documented.  ‘ '  ‘Vi  \  _ _ f Unserialized  r.
1’ 57' Early P05t'W0T1d War ii" 14., - 1 V:.;— 1 ..s ' :«§E‘-§.  World War II 1 17}7l'j}‘r"'g"d"1$‘1i3’5l'l’u:1tl’:2‘.1”»D;1';
//I E II, Factory Engraved  T V‘ 11 _   7 Singer 1‘  
1 if coltsuper 38 Semi- 1;? ~   l Manufacturing 1 .t1t1'!;»t1 1
1- t 1 -.- ~::-;:1;:.: rv*::‘1-:ti=‘;. —‘   my a,,; ‘fir ._ ~
‘ 9  Automatic Pistol Noted [‘ ‘ 1 V};  “ Co. Prototype/ A ]l'l"7;lII£%&§A%{1éa:é§1fi£§&;£lA‘In
 . L‘ as Being Part of Colt's  ‘ ‘K-1? 1 1 Presentation Model ivyI(%[ziBlgl:d%:i;%;'2f;;il‘1lll‘~<
 «1 . . . 1 r «~.'--::»:1‘~‘.;i:* :;‘»;::1  .  1. .11  rt .
, : Traveling Display with   :g;;;§;:§\®\ ~g;;;::_1_l\ 1'1 1911A1 semi. 1 WVné§?0is;l,;~5'~§t1[*§§i2§‘‘i‘‘1;i‘1\ ‘
’ 1 “i-‘:3 1-‘  . . 1 ' 1 » ‘ ti, . 11.1: \ ‘
Factory Letter and Box ‘ 27,1 ‘.g;E:;;::1--1  as '1\ Automatic Pistol 1'gl"r'vlv?]1l‘_u§§.Owflf.'jf‘:_: ‘g l
7___\ pk _ g B ,;  g _ . g 1 \ l,.i\_,,l1.l \£\"1§E;)l_r‘QL(‘\,‘iE:“:‘K-l} 1‘ 
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*— ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ’——7——j , _ V   31. .1.,.«: ‘ y
g‘ —- — ,,,-. .,,,__,1  ‘
  ' ‘ Rare and Desirable U.S. Incredibly Early Production Two-Di-git Serial _ :9.“ p  . , , A;fl.‘ g 1 ~ gj _
 to  ArmyModel 1907 Savage Number 15 “-5- C.°”M°‘1‘a‘ 19“ 5em."A‘.“°“‘a““ ’   1.   
/ ''1‘‘'’'’'‘~‘~‘«''‘‘‘<'r'«1'1’»‘‘  " Pistolwith Anniston Arm De ot Shi in Box 1  *3“-~’ - ‘ ‘r ‘ t/ -
 Arms 45ACP Test Pistol 3’ 1’ pp 3 i—11\11.E.1l 111» 
 . ‘ ‘ - 14 ' 11$:  r. 1,
  Serial Number 222 ‘='  I '
 1' )-f:——-i—+-—-—---—-‘ ‘;"“""*"’*“"*”"I"€'i‘lr'€'3e'- Rare North American Arms Co.  /  h '7
 / \‘  1 — —— — ——  .a -‘ a . . . _ A / "i :;;'r:‘1;T‘I
 \\   *7 . up 0 l‘1:t_a’f   “V Model 1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol _ .:1:§iE‘1-:11,‘  ‘
—, :3 , 1. -:9 ‘ , 1 r ——~  — _1  / ’3??::§$::1:;‘;1;;i;, 
 ’  .. (1 ‘ ,- :, 1 .1111--———'-'*”*’ ' 4 ’ ‘ W . :l‘;2—:g§$lv%§.=§.u,;-“:-53,.
1     at  1  N 1  1      1 
’  ‘ kt  " ‘   .;.==1;1.»»»——-———"<~«.-,»*~1___.¥_ 1l 1111.11: 1.; __ v  >l$*1ii“:1\n
—1=-' ' , 7 ~ —' ~ —— — 1—~—— 1,-  ~,. ‘- . ._ *- ::1~~1  
\ I  ._\,j_.f:.‘V_ V d1_1,V14_1A1.; 1  , ___ _. . _ _ KL M L»- 51:; ..:4“1,1w  11;‘: _ ‘§§4Vl*(
Excellent World War II U.S. 1, 1; H  1  _  1 Am:
Winchester Model 97 Slide Action Trench Q  1   {
Shotgun with Winchester Bayonet Extremely Rare  H 
g  ’-‘ .“.'a'-_‘i.‘.‘-‘N-,';‘o°o‘o:.‘g2'.‘.'{.‘.‘.'.‘.‘.‘.‘f3.‘. S ’( #1 and Desirable  Army  ‘ 1 
 »_   _1. . ..,”.__‘:  —, . _ 1‘ ' 1.1.1 Test Trials Serial Number §;1:1,-‘.;.',1(.f,1,r,-, )1 1i«% p
     tkjgyy — 1  ' ~ 11  A 70 Colt Model 1907 Military  
  " at’ Very Scarce and Desirable Vietnam Era U.S. Marked 5emi'A11t0m3tiC Pistol 
  ’ A cm -1. Winchester Model 1200 Slide Action Trench Shotgun  . J  
L ,1-::"‘“" ‘*"“‘-'Iv\\‘ 1 L T‘ I. \ I ., 1 T! ..- — ,.
5'  —j?:»;;Tf 4-, r  A  —“‘N H t=—'-*——r--‘-“—-“‘*"~*‘**——~—~"“'—”r“’*‘—'~=*‘*‘*“‘—‘“—-—‘ ’“‘T?*"5“”‘*“’““':'*:”'”'"\ ”/ ’
 ,  $3 ' Rare U.S. Property Marked Winchester  r     H A '_ _ “l* 1 ‘ I
 1”  ,1/V’ ' " ' Model 70 "Van Orden Sniper" Special  “ ' " ' ' " ‘fir’  I
 ="""€ ‘_ Target Bolt Action Rifle /1 Q   1 ,’
 V11 1 1 , ,1“ S 1  ,1 fig’ 1. 1 F.  Excellent and Rare world of   .:i;;;:1_ /1
1 "H" l‘ 1 ‘O '  }7f‘7"i12  war I U151 Manna Corns “ ’ / P” 
   v _l1_ 1 1.11 .   , 41 Unique Documented Army Semi-Automatic Pistol  
 ~ ;1)_-;__,/' : - —’ ; 2 2 . . .~1~111 Ordnance Department Display _ , , W, , ,, A \ ‘ikx
 7 ' M  , Unserialized U.S. Springfield Gas Trap M1 '—' I  ";f5*’\  1 \rl”“%‘;:g,
’*"  1 1 1 1   A “'1-‘1»"l"l a,  1
11 1  _ ., Garand Semi-Automatic Rifle ‘ , . V 1 . 1;;:$_§\ $1 mg
» ,1 W”, 1» I —~. '11:“.-,1 r 7 ,_ -
‘ tsiifilili-7.!‘ 1.   1—1. "" ‘ '9‘  11 1 1 1 pm» 1 “:5”? ~"1’t1 V Va * n  "
;  1 1/ 1 C 7‘ U.S. Springfield Model 1903 Markl A E“ '  
  A   "   11 9; Bolt Action Rifle with Rare Model _.1f““r1. Outstanding and Scarce’ l51?1i§§ii;:1s;1;.1;;;‘1,. 
   A n t 1913 Markl Pedersen Device, .  1  Early Production. I-Prefix 1;§g1;:1g;;;;1;~;g;‘1§. 
1 .3  i ; pedersen Ammunition ‘_  . . -‘ World War II U.S. Ithaca  f
11  1 and  o  Ira M°de‘1911A15e"‘i' 
M j ,  ii .1’ ' 1 '  Iliii  ~— 1“ Automatic Pistol -  " 1
' / “ 1, r 1 ~ 1 , 1 ‘*-‘K   r ,

’“jp-— 1.4. " 1,, = ‘‘ ff‘ , _‘ ‘:3 ;§’il'{;'  ' ' ~- We to ' ‘3
}‘.T:l’\m~_J  mg   _H World War II 3    9- ’W‘_1‘1‘,1‘1,11‘,1‘1 O
H \ gffivp 1 *1  ‘ Painted USAAF _  ; 131;}  " i S tr V“*“‘*‘*ll*‘ ‘ll 
2.  I . A A-2 Flight Iacket  ;’1_ ?“I:,.%...1»§ I 1% -1; a  11‘ . , Q,  '
 ’ \\ A O \ 3 Identified to 8th  ll  ‘. '?l1 7’ A.“ 111    ,1

 ' ' t  -4 ‘l Air Force Purple   :‘‘,’''1_ 1 .y “  ,  i ,/ _   ‘1\

1  ~« r H rtR ' ' t 3 51.’; 1: 1 1 _ 1.

 i '1    H   eaB_1.7efg,::g:  1 ;,;"‘V-j"ffg\ g‘_ 1 Exceptional U.S. Navy 11“1A‘_. E 
H I I M “M; I’ A A A O Door Canteen" I A  :1 -'1 A  c0ntraCtC01tM0de1 l l A’ "ll \‘:

Documented and Historically Significant Caldwell Hart Colt B HT t  t’  o   ~ V 1900 Sight Safety Semi- ‘l W 2 \ , “
Shipped Serial Number 3 Colt Model 1889 Double Action 3 Guultzeer '1,.. 1  ‘A  1 1   Automatic Pistol  1% 
Revolver in Case The Brig & Louise Pemberton Collection   -* 1+;

   8   9   10   11   12