Page 11 - 4093-Flyer-5
P. 11

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@» I , _ K or Exceptional I ..  A ,  ,_v.;; 1, .  ‘L, «_ 9 /‘.;1__ e
‘ .» \ T1." *  . _ g 7 Civil War U.S.   ' 1*" ,~‘  l ‘ 5 3:’;  .;m'''' 93,“  i  
‘\ \—\ -\ .i “ Starr Model 1863   :‘ _ .;*‘ff 1* Q "     ‘  -,‘5,__:_  ‘  “
’ a " Army Single Action -  ,  I ‘«  -\ If \‘   vs
\ ,1 Outstanding Documented «'— -.,—,,N 1  X , ,   \ - iox}. 
S . \ Percussion ReV°1Ver David F. Clark Sub-Inspected U.S. “ ”"2_.‘_ “" I 3 H X \  ll?"  
jg  /V ’ V Colt Single Action Cavalry Revolver with '’=;,_ ”, . _¥ 1 i _  _ - * e ’1\ 
‘ V,’ / fig! Exceptional Documented Holster, Factory Letter. «  '  ‘ ‘ \  *3*‘~;\~$“-'\‘\i\
‘I , \  e /V ,_ 3»  ‘ ._I;\
Hi ’ \ V‘  0 / and Iohn Kopec Gold Seal Letter /g T L’ .  o ‘ 
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2' " ,    «'7 ‘I  Historic Documented British Long Sea \\ I, .- _ K
v '  I   7* .7‘ J’ Service Flintlock Pistol Inscribed as Owned French & Indian War Map Engraved ‘V’  ‘
 ' I ‘,5’ / by Notorious Traitor Benedict Arnold Lobed Powder Horn Dated "1759" and , '
55/ I , H. ;  , .3 Inscribed "Made at Ft. Carillon for Capt.  ~ "
" * ’ 4:, ‘ ~ “ — —— —a T _ -
% to   op-»-——-1    Dam‘ Brewer" ‘“‘<'- '
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'  ' Exceptional and Rare U.S. Springfield Officer's _ _ _ («M 1: 1,} - Q
 / Model 1875 Type In Trapdoor Rifle Desirable, Exceptional U.S. Smith &  e K ’ .-5 e e
""’ \)y W, ,,. 3. Wesson First Model Schofield Revolver ~ _, -R . W f£$“ -
o ' V2 ’ A».     J , TheAndrewSinger Collection  '“3\
e / ,. ‘  ,,W;.,4»,w..l.,, ,  . ,.,..................,  W A A» J I @\
-r \ V 4* , » / Fine Civil War Production New Haven EXC€11€I1’E 1  _ I 3 e is
. ‘ _, ..» (  ' K/\Arms Company Henry Lever Action Rifle CiVi1WaF. U-5-  V /‘,_L:\ E l I   l l l’ ’..~.;*:‘;3
 .. « j ,\../.;  W ' 3: ,  (. Contract Rodgers & "j; P "*' I ’ ‘g O3 f;2,\ '
'_  ’, “:3 h  ‘ii; ;  " Spencer Army Model Revolver —  
, < :‘ vs   I ‘ . Zi . _ ,. _ — “ 
/ , fies‘ /:1 , —  W ' ‘ ’ ’  ‘@[/  ":‘,’.T,
I    4,  E Exceptional Civil War Era Sharps  \‘ »— ’ 
 E, 5,2. ‘ '  I New Model 1859 Breech Loading   Civil War U.S. First Lieutenant’s 1’ 
 '  , f ‘ I  Percussion Rifle  o '  Commission Certificate, as Signed ,_   ’
v « -E If V _ ‘J, _ T‘___‘ /3,; --7 I :gi_,M:; . .
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, _; . 9 $1 ."~";‘¢’,f~'é:—~.;,,  , V ‘E. on =.,-': _.,. .=  .
  o / Rare Documented Civil War Sh'arps New 
 .. -  —, \_K, Model 1859 Breech Loading Egyptian 5;
‘  ‘j .4   ' ' X Contract" Percussion Rifle-Musket Issued by  A
.2:  ‘ < A the State of Connecticut  A I 
f e;..§r:’«..  ‘ - g ;.‘\;3 Q _A‘i , "
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 1;}  Exceptional Civil War U.S. Richardson& Overman (;',‘l.‘l  W ‘V /.3: /  . _ ,. ’  
I '“.r:1<= -= -"=-W 3 ;  V x , 1” - - -  .‘x»i.‘!ii' : i A ' -« .«.
 7‘; ,"‘_’L  1 K , i 3. Gallager Breech Loading Saddle Ring Carbine . ;;i.«;'f@,’:‘3‘~“)‘   "3 ~A _
E    " ‘I K ex ’\ * .iK.'il1il}l~'v-W“ 111'“  1.-2 ’  V - " 2
~'«-rr A - I “ ~  ~ —————   ~ I   ' . ~ ’-'.—7*~':——“--‘---—'”',=~-,' * - C ;
,-V -;;§;§   ‘ ‘ ‘: Excellent Civil War U.S. Massachusetts Arms ‘;.:  _? J L   z
 I _4_,,-,..=»T:f::_;//:“"‘f>1::: Co. Second Model Maynard Breech Loading .‘_ '  or ‘i ‘ , Vi   .
 , Percussion Saddle Ring Carbine ‘ _ ' -r —   , -_'‘  ‘ii I . "
 B TheAndrew Singer Collection ff ‘ v“  E 5”“  !|'z2.<~..     .
 :  ,/-_a,_ H ,~,/,__ _ __e_ I _   » A v ~ 7 ' ~ 3 =
"  or V . e ‘T e e  ’/,'>‘/.¢‘Y’l'. ; _ _   ' V W  ""7"" I V W‘
‘ 9.27 V . :55 _ i‘ 0  ‘I: ’ ‘,1, ~- W ; ’ Excellent C1V11W3T Starr Arms Breech Historic Pair of Henry Tatham Flintlock Officer's Pistols with
, ~, 1-  K '”‘—",— I  /_  Wading PeFC11SSi0n Saddle Ring Carbine Case Inscribed to "Captain Daniel Tyler" of Pomfret, a Veteran of
W” ’ W  TheAndrewSin er Collection th A ' R 1 t' I 1 d‘ th B ttl f B k H'11
,f:,__/..» g e merican evo u ion ncu ing e a eo un er 1
: ; I ~. . ‘— ' , ‘ /'1 I‘ H ' {‘~‘.5"v’—‘‘'‘»-r. '.."_' " — . ;7‘~  l I ‘\ 5.‘: - -
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e  , — , .  ‘ '  . ’ '“ ,_ of   o_.__z:¢g_—F:lJf~1»¢.',{.g§1‘:“u -in Ainsworth
   2 . ~ .   i ,3»-2 ‘gala   and
Y}, o _,:r/— a‘ \ S A ‘.1;  R _ V’ * - A e  I 1: .».~ o ;.:_:.'I  Ot Five 7th
‘V on . ‘« N W“/.2:_Vy  I  _,y {'7/&‘9’*w m Mrgisérz. . ..-«»/ ‘K: ‘V96, A kn‘ K Cava 'E¢?;  Battle Era
, [.1-V  1 _ . _ .A Q to  \. 3;,  '_ .  Colt Cavalry Model
/ Al _  \ ' . J’  ~ ,» ~* «i,...ix,«-;;;t:x‘us. '_ J53, ‘ v’  ‘:. W I, -'n le Action Army
,,  we ,W ' x _r F «/4  e _ __V_J.___  o  _h  p Q  _
 J L _  .‘_‘_ .5   7 ‘ ‘ >«x§;§V with John
  {:1   »   .35 ea  .,. I * ,  « opec Letter
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Documented 7th’Caval   Little _Bighorn  “‘-‘I , " ,_;,_:.; 
Era U.S. Springfield Model 14373 Trapdogfifldlegdiiég/C ‘ .’ _   _   "
Recovered from (laptain altgglefipn of . e 7th fiavalryifri  :.—_.e_\ I ’~:/;____   ' ‘ 
( ,r t E, U l «.7; K . I ,‘ ~ V ;ox;:i\.. \,.e_V\::W .,\_.:, , , .—._ AK-xx»,
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