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" . ’ — ‘ V _ ' V 2’ TheMarshfield Find: Extraordinary, NewlyDiscovered, Documented Mint Winchester
_ I , ’ V '_ V ' A‘ l L x Model 1886 LeverAction.45—90 WCF Rifle Time Capsule with Original Shipping Crate
,2 $4., ’ ’ ' /2, L Containing Scabbard and Five Boxes ofAmmunition, and Factory Letter
F 5 SOLD $352,500
‘I L ‘/7: 1"" I Extraordinary, Newly Discovered Documented, Factory Exhibition Relief Game Scene Engraved,
5 , _v . Q, N Gold lnlaid and Plated Winchester Deluxe Model 1873 LeverAction Rifle with Factory Letter
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, » soLD $223 250
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g ‘ aw "' ‘ 3 F F Incredible, Well—Documented, John Ulrich Signed,
' I’ g. ’ Factory Game Scene Engraved and Platinum lnlaid,
" H y , H, . ‘,‘,,_,« .« " ‘ Special Order Exhibition Winchester Model 1885 High Wall Single Shot Schuetzen Rifle with Factory
. _/c / W‘//,~" I :\ ‘ Q’ ’(' iv DCarved Stock and Factory Letter as Pictured in ”The Book of Winchester Engraving” by Wilson
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I SOLD $211,500
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,4 r \ ' _ J’ MagnificentFactory Engraved Winchester Deluxe Model 1886
- v ' ./2;, W / ‘ Takedown LeverAction Rifle with Factor Letter
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_ , . '; ’ , L ’ Extremely Rare and Outstanding Documented Iron Frame New
A . 3. ~—/ Haven Arms Co. Henry Lever Action Rifle
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» / 5 SOLD $293,750
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3 l , I Liaflllwfll _/ ‘ ' V‘ 0. Ultra Rare, Exhibition Grade C.F. Ulrich FactoryMaster Engraved and Signed
. ‘ l ‘ L " g ,7 Winchester Model 1866 LeverAction Musket with Ba onet
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‘L l‘ , _, , y ‘ Extraordinary DocumentedAlden George Ulrich Factory Engraved and Gold lnlaid
£\ 2 , x ‘ ,‘ ‘V’ r 4 ‘ /‘ Winchester Pre—64Model 70 BoltAction Rifle in .220 Swift with Scope
xx, ‘L I , 0 WORLD RECORD SOLD $293,750
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%: 7 « 2 ‘D I Historic FactoryEngraved and
§ __ "ii; 1,; ' L ”“ I" ‘ Gold lnlaid WinchesterModel21
. . J} ‘ V.’ /l Bicentennial Double Barrel Shotgun Two Barrel Set with Factory Letter Presented to 38th
4%‘ ' Presidentof the UnitedStates Gerald R. FordJr.
- ”\ SOLD $1 17,500
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