Page 13 - YIR2024
P. 13
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__ 1 Exceptionally Rare 9”Military —§~‘v1§ ""13 . uj. ,. . »:——'—T“'— ~1
I If Pattern SquarebackColtModel , " 7 '_ ‘S ‘ \
_,’L".;lll¢ - /$4 No.5Texas Paterson Revolver 5? >' ‘g OI i ~ 5“ I /‘ Q ' if V I
I 5°‘-D 254375 I at I , .. _, O.
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A " ‘ , OutstandingPresentation 51"‘ ‘ __ . ' _ a3~~~ E;
L‘ ? Cased Patent/lrms “ ulnmnl.a:l mum ‘ l L‘ ' L
,/4%; I If} . ,, Q I A - as -
3, Manufacturing Company Colt , xi . _ ll 55% 4 ‘go _ u ' g ‘ k
I‘ _ u 7 .»§‘:. ~ .:~ 3 1”, .._.—— -V 1
\ ,. %?,'~;-.,_%_ ‘ BabyPaterson No.IPocket ' «, v_ , fig 3%. A _;M,#:«‘-. L J‘ ’*
—.»,....-.:;»..<a.a.r W-a¢»._~;,’« Model Percussion Revolver ‘X ~ I " .__, ’ ' __"‘ _ ’ l. V! lung; ‘ » '.
with FullSet ofAccessories . ’ LE" 1 .h V ‘ ‘ I ... . » ‘ ..._._»,_ ~ V ;
soLD $411,250 2 _ s I I es
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K <. . . " mmense istoric, e ocumente an “ 1 .
’ i K K I lyH' ' W II D d dFRESH ' V_
. -'4',‘ ' " _- " I Ainsworth Inspected Prime 7th Cavalry Range ”LotSix”U.S. Colt Cavalry ,—‘ II a C’
’_ - ~19:-7‘ ‘L \ / Model SingleAction Army RevolverAccompanied by Kopec Letters Identifying V :,‘\\.‘§
.v -V V // the Revolver to Captain Myles Moylan, Commander of CompanyA of the 7th Cavalry, ll
,\‘0 // Medal of Honor Recipient, and Veteran of Numerous SignificantBattles, Including ‘
/ /3 ¥.W,:.7— Very Rare and Gettysburg, Little Bighorn, and Wounded Knee 3}
_ Historically Significant lg’. 712.; _,§~i;,.
~ . it ccompanywom SOLD $1 64,500
L, U.S.Colt,Il:pCdJeslsg/‘l//:55: K‘ V ’ ?L_‘.:‘,.’;‘_.‘“."':‘‘r.'_, ExtremelyRare BlackPowder Colt ”Pinched
,;> V ‘ - .;.r J“ .:—,_,i _,‘ ' L ' Frame”SingleAction ArmyRevolver with Rare
.7? S 1 by V I A.. _‘ / 1 . . AttachableSkeleton Stocl(and Ron Graham
I _ ~ -~ g . r ,_J. Letter as Pictured in ‘A Study of the Colt SingleAction Army Revolver”
" I ' I SOLD $293 750
_ K I, ' ’ _%/,7/77 R ‘I , Ia" 4__ V V _ ’
_ 7 * ————*‘l "'72 ' i, \ ,. -—~- ~..« _, . . .L..,, , 4,,“ _ ‘L’?-,» *‘ ;,,.;_-s;.:_.,~ . ‘— — _v /.
L V W '0 ::_." V
_ , ' ' "” ‘ Rare, Well—Documented and ‘L l , ,. 3, 1
' ~ ~ . HistoricBCompanyNo. 102 - . .7 L3, “,.~~_
" '7 U.S. Colt Model 1847 Walker Percussion Revolver Marked for ‘ _ ‘-.”.“.jl;»‘,§~« _
' " I v;;"<\'<3-)§Y.a7na 3é7A~ m| Mexican General and Governor of Coahuila Andres l/iesca with K L‘ ' 4
~ m-r. Herb Glass Authentication Letter I "‘ .~'~»,,1
~\«V\1 ( % ‘I I :=;,. -_g
5:‘ S \ " ‘IR. ‘\
‘ ' L Wilbur Glahn’s Masterpiece: Absolutely /_ ‘ll
I Stunning Documented FactoryMaster 4 - W .. g . kl ~""l"5‘1« .
= / 3-’ , , , , - L. I —~-.—.
[NM Grade C Engraved Colt First Generation Frontier Six ' I 7 j I ' ‘
1 Shooter SingleAction Army Revolver _!(“'T“" * «"":5 V , ~ ‘
. . . . ‘ il “ I <
Outstanding Well—Documented, Historic, Outstanding 3 ‘ E ‘ g
S U.S. Henry Nettleton Inspected Colt CavalryModel " _ Li ’ C“ .
V ‘ ._ ; . Q SingleActionArmyRevolverPartofthe OnlyKnown Pairof & — “‘ 3. _
, 7 ‘7 ‘ «—— avar o es ippe pring e wit o n opec o ea L ~+_’£a'
./ ' jg C IyMdISh dbyS fild hJh K GIdS l\ 1‘
2 , “'—! I ‘ Letter as Pictured on the Cover of Cavalry&ArtilleryRevolvers...a v M I
3‘ _ ‘l r’ ‘I. ' ' ContinuingStudy ‘ ;
V '— .: , Outstanding ’flTC”Serialized ColtSingle ’ }5""’_
F ' / V Action Army Revolver in .44 Russian with S 1 L’ "
I ' R.L. Wilson Letter
» M / SOLD $1 I could write twelve pages on Colt collecting in 2024 and what 2025
, g .g ea .._ /__ will mean to the blue chips of 19th century American handguns. We
’ .,...;. l a Li I * . ‘ . ._ W touted the December sale as 250 years of Colt Collecting, but in reality,
:11.) G l_\ ‘M / it was more like 350 years from the best collectors to ever do it. Greg
/ - « ' ’ 7 0 /'’**'=¢‘«''v *’ . . .
s , l E _\ _ l”"" Lampe, Andrew Singer, Charlle Marx, George Lewis, Robert M. Lee,
. V V ‘V /0: « ‘ . outstanding Co,,Mode, Brig and Louise Pemberton. It's honestly astonishing. The highlight of
. - I ( I855 Percussion Half—Stock all things Colt for me this year was the 8-inch cased Dragoon out of
' L ” 5P0rTin9 Rifle/Wibuted the iconic George Lewis Collection, those are the guns, those are the
: g ' I , "5 F°”"e’ly°fthe moments! I am pleased and excited to report that 2025 will no doubt
~’ /__.—..z.f'~"=€ ' ' Cartridge Company Collection _ _ _ _ _
1 » go down In history as the most Important year of Colt collecting this
SOLD hobby has ever seen. Carpe diem Colt collectors.