Page 12 - YIR2024
P. 12

Wilbur Glahn’s Masterpiece: Absolutely Stunning 
Documented FactoryMaster Grade C Engraved Colt First 0  . ’  ""

Generation Frontier 5ix5hooter 5ingleAction Army Revolver if!‘ ,  ‘ \ )’§\v
SOLD $235,000 0 3 no  0 A‘

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\(\2  ; _\r 4/  w  I * V f I : . ‘:47’; \ /,
 ' :;‘   ‘"9; /V  ‘ 0 . 0 4/ Exceptional, and Well—Documented
  _  _> ., ‘ d,~af"‘  Wilbur Glahn Factory Master Grade
 'v‘,.,£.  i  / \ L ' C Engraved Colt First Generation
  4 .-' “ _, \ ' 5ingleAction ArmyRevolver with
\_ ' t',- V ~v’=..,_ ""5-4"’ '/ /‘$5.: ‘ 2* ./'  . .
'    - s:‘r‘,=~ ’ V5  RaisedReliefCarved5teerHead
 I.  i” gr“  \ *   GripandFactoryLetter
 , \‘x\,‘‘{‘ ’, - ‘ '    \\\y@;.' . ll,‘ A  .7; ‘
  1 y 0  ,  , 0  » 5 ~ .01 $1 1 7 ,000
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/ s ‘” gzjf‘ 0 _ _  T _\Outstanding F%or_y\Exhibition Engraved, Blue and
ye? / /,...4/»//:/' _ skék  Casehardened Colt Ne\m/‘_Line.415pur TriggerRevolverwith

Finest Known Documented Cased 8 \\_\  — '   peaflgfjps and Case 

Inch Barrel Colt Third Model Dragoon V:j»_ ' '  ..  ', ’'“V \j\;{ x  _ 0  "\“\\

Percussion Revolver with  V     5  V;
FactoryLetter5hipped to J.C.   E   ,__\
Grubb&Co.inAprilof1861at  V V L’ ‘ "  . , a‘  _ "‘:;‘_;~.

the5tartofthe Civil War L F V’  4- '/   ‘ 0 V.  ‘ _ 0 ‘ _ #3. W ‘‘*~e._N

' 1 Q) «M s - =  :5 _,  
SOLD $440,625  0  ; C ..y   ,   L 5,
L. \ _ <13  V _ “Vs F ’ Q; L. i . 5”"
 0  _\ V’ : »  -4 .. , t , 0.  
' M ‘ g ‘  _  3    — . \_ _  ’*~i¥_  \  ___l \ ‘$2
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 ’  Ll F 7 342.1/L L  F C  L  ) ‘F A :1.
  ‘_ ll \ -\‘\ . . <   I .~.»\‘\“ 
  Rare, Well—Documented,Phenome  'a_ 0 \~\-0   
"’ ”  ' ” V _'k a , BenchmarkFactoryEngraved Colt Bisley \\i~*\g _ Q *   v ,5 :1 V.  -,
."“  Model $in9leAction Army Revolver with  X ‘   :.f I
\-.\ ;(  FactoryReliefMonogram Carved Pearl Grip     
 /2‘; and Factory Letter as Featured in The Colt Engraving Book \ < __  I ,‘ 
*x_\.V V/,0;/M \ ' . l ,4 
 SOLD $164,500 \ J 0, 
‘ . *' ’ ‘ fie‘. » ~ L   G 5
Highly Desirable, Documented, Ainsworth Inspected, V \ N
and Historic Lot Five 7th Cavalry CusterBattle Era U.5. ~ 477,  _ ‘R. R \
Cavalry Colt 5ingleAction Army RevolverAttributed as ‘ * 0 ‘ ~ ‘xx ., \
Captured atLittle Bighorn with Provenance Letter and L _   ..\  \\
John Kopec Gold Seal Authentication Letter as Cited in \ L \ ‘   §~§  ‘
Cavalry&ArtilleryRevolvers   _\ x‘,
\  P
2 , 1.-~y:‘:§\,'\ g .e._‘
0 I I SOLD  1 7’ ! 

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