Page 17 - YIR2024
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 "\ Extraor Inary Istoric ocumen e assive . aw en. at er a
A V*\‘\  5tockPercussion Buffalo Rifle from President TheodoreRooseveltPersonal
' ' Collection andAttributed to Kit Carson
.   . Hi-s€:7ricffC,a;ecCli5oI,I;dGoldirgcogz Cofugty , S 
I , - er: s a ge resen e o er: a 
.\ GarrettbyAlbert_J. Fountain in 1881 ff‘, ‘*.‘:,_m ‘Q  g;4’p.~ 
a V ') \f 1.-_',;j',;l' , 4- J _, .43‘. *:‘’_>_‘’.-:: “ __~ ‘
gs. ' SOLD $235,000  O  /\ my ’ GEORGE S I     -0  X
L. -     . PATTON  '   4: -/’
. ~ at   ‘*5;  L.  * 3-?» ‘  .  5 ‘>
AT V ,  '~’ .~" ,. \‘ _V ' _   0 //‘If/€711!-Listoric World War ll!Leg ne/r  , in ’ . .; _
 f“:1g._;,:,f_ Q ,  _  .  ‘ jf’L’—:‘-George S.Patton’s Li utenan Geqheefafi Ifggr; ‘ "  ‘
GARE  ., »  .. . ., \«:    L  2 1.5 , . .   . ,3: .
  . my ,5‘ J   M V   L v ;)._";%fi§gerStIckLaterGIftedto I _  fir‘ ( I 2.
/   y / G  :3“ riend General GeofffeyKeyes 4.?‘  fl  C
  .31.-.  V'~:e:~- L {K  \— , ’\‘=v;—4“, ' ' . _ ‘-1 ," ‘ "H; 54 " . I" g? - ‘, V ' 1
-V _    to - _  OLD $64,625 * .
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' _  Histori in -  "so t§h‘I'pped,”New Yorkfigraved, ' _  3‘-. ’ "
V , ~ G my 1, , ’ 5O*= ?ibedc3IiWS“°%E71s77  _» W * 
‘-  Thu‘@?é\‘i‘fi%(iublel4i['ti<3Ai‘i‘Re‘Vom}r:‘°_ Solid German SilverGrips ‘ F 
‘ ‘V P7%s e§endary Western Lawman Pat Garrett, Killer of ~ ‘ ’ * 7'
”Billy The Kid’,’ by His El Paso Friends -. .L .‘
SOLD $528,750
tr’ ‘ V Q! 
L T . e 4 b L  
Historic WinchesterModel 1866 LeverAction Rifle with Stock lnla A  Z “ 1 -. ‘ \,.'
Y .
g » FeaturingaPresentation Inscription to Panther Bill from Buffalo Bill in 1880 from C  \§\‘:‘<  V  t V   _
', the Legendary William M. Locke Collection  ’ M?§‘‘“\ W B‘ “  .35 1- ‘K
 1“ ‘X SOLD 599375 \ D     
‘  M. “ .‘  .. - lg ' > flhvf?  .> ‘V; .>  ‘W — .|‘
A  V or ~  . .
_  V ., ,1  ~ ,_     _,   - , Rare, Historic and
 ,  i‘,   . “ 1» ‘ »   " I Extraordinarily Well—Documented Winchester
, '  y ’  7'  1.:  ' V G r G ;  . DeluxeModel1895LeverAction5addleRingCarbinePresentedbyBuffalo
J ‘ ,  <:’w,~.«'="':":“~»". "     . - - - - - ,1
,/  , “V b   ”' " ~ \ <  V BIll (William F Cody) to Deadwood Businessman and FrIendM R Gold
  B \ ,  K" ' .(  7* ', ' M R NuggetMike/DeadwoodMike”Russell with FactoryLetter
  /  R C    “ - - ,, SOLD $152,750
,",.j;;    /2  l , L *3. ’   ‘ 5" ’ ‘* DEADWOOD MIKE
};'».—/7 ,5 L  . >‘ .  . , —* »-~-H,‘ .‘,$«.  K ~£‘,‘;_,>“/‘:4 _ »¥ ‘ '
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‘ rswzv V,-/1/"r'-/«“'(v'vT r y r l‘-‘ i ‘For .r‘\
= l A   *  5°"* D°"b'eActi°nPinfire LT. COL. ‘ O ‘ »i!>z.'...t«.:'-
llgl   I _ 5.: \“”'l;e‘;°éVe’WltZ  , ‘ KermitRooseveltsHistoricExtensivelyFamily
{M f   7 “‘“‘~’‘‘‘‘‘‘ ensm e , ase an ecelp .— W ' Documented ParkerBrothers 20 Gauge VH
Vi}    , ’ from l:a.m’ly Descendant”  .' X ‘  Grade Double Barrel Hammerless Shotgun
'y ,j  \ COl- Clg)aflesC»i42)CLZstte(rlIcl:;r1tIfyIn’g4 the Casedgettas  , V,  and Four—Piece5ilverDrinking5etwith Herb
v‘ ,1 1    -»  -  Wne y ' °' eorge ""5 “mg "5 er ' Glass Documentation
51* 1. A‘  ‘    17000 ’ SOLD $105,750

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