Page 14 - YIR2024
P. 14

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F  CEO of RIAC Patrick Hogan along with
E9 President of RIAC Kevin Hogan auctioneering a V
Premier Firearms Auction. /.
“When someone pays $300,000 for a firearm, its history,” noted monarch’s ornate presentation sporting arm realized $951,750
collector Frank E. Bivens Ir. remarked in 1973 after an ornate after auction fees, tax, and all associated costs, firmly setting
flintlock from the collection of King Louis XIII of France went a new world record for a wheellock firearm sold at auction.
up for auction. "lhe $300,000 winning bid by the New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art set a new record for the fine arms field "lhough six and seven—digit collectibles are nothing new, the number
at the time and helped establish the genre as an elite collecting class. of genres reaching such lofty heights has been ever increasing. A Patek
Philippe Grand Complications “Sky Moon Tourbillon” set a new online

Last August, another pinnacle piece from King Louis XIII’s auction pinnacle for luxury wrist watches last March with $5.8 million,
Cabinet d’Armes made headlines in the auction world when it while Michael ]ordan’s 1998 NBA Finals Air Jordan XIIIs sneakers
passed the podium at Rock Island Auction Company. "lhe French brought in a cool $2.2 million the following month, a record in the
field. "lhe high watermark for a single stamp was

i  broken in November as a rare “Inverted Jenny”

” I I '  ~ hammered for $2 million, and less than three

‘ (,,,«/7‘" " years ago a siX—liter bottle of "lhe Setting Wines

a '  2019 Glass Slipper Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon

(3 L " I  attained $1 million at a charity auction, the first

I 7'   bottle of wine to reach the seven—figure milestone.

\‘  I «V ,3 ,5  While not as widely recognized compared to

i F In \  the collectible classes mentioned above, the

/  fine arms sector has been garnering prices that

l / __./'  , rival and sometimes surpass its more celebrated

\  counterparts, demonstrated by the 2021 sale of the

“R .— ,, ‘ Colt used to shoot Billy the Kid for $6.03 million.

"  ~ . "lhe iconic Old West revolver is one of numerous

‘ » , investment—grade firearms to earn seven

‘   figures over the last 10 years, and the frequency

/ of such sales has been steadily on the rise.

 .. c=.,_.,,:é§: :3 p ' In the last decade, nine of the 13 single and

 ' I I f paired firearm lots to surpass the million dollar

I ’ I mark on the auction block have gaveled here

at Rock Island Auction Company, with six of

these sales achieved in the last five years alone.

"lhat prestigious list includes the flintlock

Topto Bottom:DocumentedCased German SilverBandedCo|t”BabyPaterson”PocketModel No.1 Percussion pistols of Alexander Halniltom the Colt

Revolver; Documented 0ne—of—A—KIndSllverlnlald Colt Paterson Percussion Revo|vIngSportIng Rlflewith Compass _ _ . _ . _
Inlaid StockandJ.R.Comerlnscription;Desirab|eEar|yProduction SquarebackCo|t”TexasPaterson”No.5Holster levolvel .Of  P%eS1d.em Fmeodole Roosevelt’
Model Percussion Revolverfrom theChar|ie MarxCo||ection and a hlstonc par of Remmgtons Owned by

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