Page 16 - YIR2024
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Extraordinary, Historic,aI‘Id V§e‘llI_‘.—Doz:;u>\N* jg /L,» _ 1,“, _,_;' 1 ;’ av’
Extensively Gold and Silver -."_-‘V‘?i"""’ 5-." _ 5‘ I _ -7
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For every hIstorIca| gun we offerthere are 100 we _ . l pix _gT:__ .WeII:Documented
turn down. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind " " ‘ 0 ' - ~’_ 5""“.'i‘v1‘*':' . . H'st°"C Elm Presley
, , — * Ijxe Commissianedjoseph Condon Presentation
that the LouIs X|||Whee|ock Is pound—for—pound the I‘ ‘ xtiigfx q T ’.(__%g I EngmvedandGo,d,n,a,d5m,th&Wesson
greatest firearm we have ever handled, truly and ‘ :43 Mode/29.2 Daub/eAct,~o,, Reva/Verwith
utterly sensational in every way. It is always a difficult = g Oak Leaf Carved Grips Presented 10 Pre5/e.V'5
exercise pricing a piece of history with an exceptional ’ e.. F”e”d Lama’ F’ke
pedigree and documentation. We have the intrinsic ,‘ 1:‘ SOLD
value of the object, easy, but pricing the history _\ 5‘ I
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Isa rather Imperfect art. Between the Pat Garrett . z‘ ___ T.‘ A ~e /
presentation Colt 1877, his solid gold peace officer ,- _. ‘ . 7 ’ ‘ J '3' ‘ A
badge,Theodore Roosevelt's .70 caliber Hawken \ 1 £ ‘
. . . . . . . a 7 0. ‘
attrIbuted In hIs own wrItIng as KIt Carson's,orhIs _ \ I! V ‘L: ~ .
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son Kermit’s 20 au eParkerhetookon his 1909 ' ‘ . - . ' "
. 9 9 . ELVISPR s 5-!-~-.'a~’
SafarI, we had our work cut out for us In 2024. . 5 D '. . '
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