Page 15 - YIR2024
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_ The Iconic & Legendaw Black Beauty Colt Single Aclififi
.’, ' ” “ ~ ...EngraverL.D.NjnisghlefromIh,e.BUg_&_LqgisePembertonCg|[egtj9n
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, / » .3 L D. NIMSCHKE Firearm; 5,3,4”,
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Ma nificenmctor Mastemen Huntsi ned and Dee Historic significance and celebrity appeal are far from the only
Re"9efG0ddeSSVenfiSEn ravedjamespgrde &S0nSp ~ factors driving growth in the upper echelon of arms collecting.
. . g y Condition, rarity, and exceptional artistry helped four of Rock
Self-Opening Sldelogkpouble Barrel __ /y I 1 d A . C , f . fi
ShotgumwoBar§Setff6mhe..,..._i_,_ W san uction ompanys top per ormers attain seven—'gure
Norman R_B|ank~§iHeCti0n V , .‘. status. All three traits are evident in the previously mentioned
p ‘g , Millikin Dragoon as well as a Winchester Model 1886 Express
4‘. ., rifle engraved by master John Ulrich which earned $1.18 million
'.;_ I A 53 -_.;-,~;\_.._._,__ _ V at Rock Island Auction Company in 2018. One of our seven—figure
, _ CW‘ runner—ups, a solid silver Winchester Model 1866, exceeded its
p f ‘N 3’ ‘RD estimate by more than 50 percent as it gaveled for $977,500 in
4 / fl / PRAES N EY & December of 2021,aresult achieved in large part due to the firearm’s
' _ A 3 & GU” 8- spectacular engraving from master artisan Louis D. Nimschke.
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//-Na... AwLr'v Hougg
V Sorta! AVz'n9m_s.m., Persistent high risers can be found within numerous segments
5 —— MM‘ —~ of the fine arms field. Antique Colts and Winchesters, two
19th—centur collectin cornerstones, 'ointl account for 39
General Ulysses S. Grant that earned $5.17 million in May of 2022. of Rock 1S1andyAuCuOn>S g50 most expensiye firiarms. Exhibition
Though the arms Collecllhg market has been blllldlhg lholhehhllh for grade flintlocks and wheellocks are another genre with no lack of
many years’ lls recent growth has been unparalleled‘ One example demand. While items tied to influential leaders achieve the highest
dates back to May of 2016, when Rock Island Auction Company set results recently exampled by a gamiture of arms presented to
a then—record for the most expensive single firearm sold at auction Napoleon Bonaparte that gaveled for $2.88 million at Rock Island
with a historic Winchester Model 1886 rifle that realized $1.27 million. Auction Company many other instances of the genre have earned
TWO years later’ we ecllpsed our own record wllh a Cased Coll Walker impressive prices solely due to their exceptional artistic merit.
k “ThD 'hS C '”h kh 1.84 '11". - -
Tfigrlflils at: facforsafilkse the: glggéjllleidillolgsred Obilledlfgital (fifilg New records have been set in nearly every corner of arms collecting,
and the sector’s extensive overla with o ular disci lines such as
platforms’ the greater avallablllly of plesllglolls arms Collecllohs’ ahd Western art, celebrity memorabiliahthe decgraltive arts fieIl)d, and historic
b ~ ~ fb k~ f1'd' 'fi') .. . . . . . ..
ah ulgalfihlhi Cfilhhglgehl O h Eye“ Seef lhg poll 0 lO1_ lvelsl Cahoh military collecting has helped fuel an impressive uptrend in this thriving
l e_ lhli Eh’ 0 al lealljil a gofile lo? lahe Ollllel to a Slams alternative asset class. As demand continues to grow, anyone seeking to
ehloye Y ah evehexpah lhg pahl eoh O lOp’hel lhvesllhehl pleCeS' add collectibles to their portfolio would be wise to consider the fine
Th _ d _ _ h _ _ h firearms market, where the patient investor will discover a high ceiling,
b e fihcleasz bcolhpelllhllh llokowhfhl 6:/:H5i(ahlSDlh l 6 genre Gag awealth of opportunity, and some ofthe finest treasures money can buy.
e i ustrate y examp es i e “ e i i in ragoon,” a case
percussion Colt in immaculate condition. The prized revolver earned P RE E R | C T I C) N
$805,000 in 2011 with Heritage Auctions, only to more than double
that sum eight years later with Rock Island Auction Company, FINE, HISTORIC, & INVESTMENT GRADE FIREARMS
breaking into seven—digit territory with an impressive $1.67 million.
Elevated values are evident across every sector of the arms collecting I ’
l2*:)“2‘l25°:fe>k“;°1l“d(li“i Significant POP Cult“: lttlflmsé l“ Aug? fdf FORYOURCOMPLIMENTARYCATALOGCALLSOO-238-8022(REFERENCETHISAD)
, oc s an uc ion ompany earne e uinness or
Records title for the most expensive prop gun ever auctioned with
the $1.06 million sale of Han Solo’s blaster from the original Star
Wars film. The record had already changed hands twice the previous
year, with John Wayne’s revolver selling for $517,000 in October and
Captain Kirk’s phaser rifle earning $615,000 the following month.